Researcher reassures AstraZeneca vaccine: not vaccinating older people would not be a logical solution


According to Beinort in the program “News of the day” in Žinių radijo on Monday, AstraZeneca provides detailed data on ongoing clinical trials and the vaccine they have developed is effective.

“They provide perhaps a bit more detail than what we have from other vaccines (manufacturers – aut.p.). We see data on efficacy after one dose, efficacy after two doses and four weeks apart, twelve weeks apart. difference. According to the latest data, AstraZeneca is 76% of the vaccine after a single dose. effective, 81% after two doses. effective if there is a twelve-week interval, “said Beinort.

He said the researchers found that with a smaller gap between vaccine doses, effectiveness was low. However, this, according to the doctor, is nothing new.

“This is also seen with some other vaccines: due to the competition of the antigen or the immune response against the viral vector, the effectiveness of the vaccine can be reduced in a short period of time, but increases if there are three months between doses of the vaccine. vaccine”. ” he said.

According to Beinort, AstraZeneca should not be considered a secondary vaccine.

“I would not agree that AstraZeneca is a classified second-class vaccine. Obviously, it is also very effective,” emphasized the hematologist.

He explained that the immune response is higher after the first dose of AstraZeneca and lower after the second dose, but the opposite is true with Moderna and Pfizer vaccines made with different technology. For the latest vaccines, side effects usually occur after the second dose.

“Of course, people are more scared of fever after the first dose and we don’t find out about the second dose, but all these side effects are predictable, that they can happen. And we know historically with the meningitis vaccines, especially with vaccines against meningitis B, these side effects are quite aggressive, that people have more fever or muscle pain, but it is absolutely normal to alleviate all these unpleasant sensations with paracetamol or anti-inflammatory drugs, (…) If necessary – the doctor pointed out.

As a result, Beinort noted, no vaccine is to be feared. He also said that the AstraZeneca vaccine could be given to the elderly. The same is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“The WHO advises all people in Germany that there is now a lot of confusion among decision makers that there has been unnecessary confusion and panic about the AstraZeneca vaccine, especially when we know that the vaccine really does protect against hospitalization and fatal diseases. It is not the most logical solution not to use it for the people who most need protection, “said T. Beinort.

When asked by the presenter what the current situation is in the UK, where he himself lives and works, Beinort noted that the number of new cases of COVID-19 infection has decreased.

“The drop in the number of cases was achieved through quarantine, not vaccination. Nothing has changed in the UK yet, the quarantine is very strict, there are only grocery stores, hospitals and kindergartens for the children of key workers, ”said the doctor.

According to him, the acceleration of vaccination and the measures applied allow to expect a lighter summer.

“I would like to believe that summer will be different from spring or winter. “I really think there will be some restrictions; masks will be needed, but the weather conditions will be unfavorable for the coronavirus and the number of infections should be low enough,” Beinort added.
