Representatives of these professions earn less in Lithuania: the employee named a common trick of employers


The five professions with the lowest incomes

CVmarket Raimonda Tatarėlytė, Marketing Manager, issues representatives from the lowest-income professions.

1. Cleaner, manipulator. Wages in this area range from an average of € 250 to € 600. It is true that the pay depends on the hours worked, and there may be four or eight per day. Because room or room cleaners sometimes work part-time, they often seek additional work.

2. Dishwasher. If a representative in this field works full time, your wallet is replenished between € 450 and € 600 per month.

3. Letter. The person doing this work ensures that letters and press get to residents’ mailboxes. Candidates for the correspondent position are often offered part-time positions, so the remuneration can range from € 350 to € 600. The salary of a chief letter writer can be as high as 650 euros, and if the writer of letters is managing and working full time, he will receive 650-900 euros for a monthly job.



4. Seller, sales advisor. Sellers-consultants who wish to facilitate the customer’s purchase process receive 550-750 euros.

5. Waiter. The work of a waiter with physical work and excellent communication with customers is valued at 600 euros. Of course, an employee of this profession can increase the salary by collecting advice from clients.

According to R. Tatarėlytė, in addition to the professions mentioned, it is important to mention people who carry out seasonal work. These can be flyers, presenters whose work lasts for days or weeks. People who perform such work generally receive an hourly wage that does not exceed the monthly minimum wage.

Told the truth about the maid job

Rugilė, who works as a room manager in Palanga, says that cleaners working in the private sector often turn a finger.

“Although cleaners are promised before employment that they will be paid handsomely for overtime worked, this promise is not kept. Also, maids are not paid for the job on holidays,” says Rugil, disappointed.



According to the girls who work in the main Lithuanian tourist center, managers are deceived not only by overtime: “Before signing the employment contract, it establishes that women will be paid the minimum wage and promises that the wage will increase significantly due to supplements received. Unfortunately, the housewives who signed the employment contract must be satisfied with the minimum wage and accept that they will not receive any supplement. “

Rugilė mentions the greatest difficulty in her work as a great workload: “In the hotel where I work, the maids must manage a large number of rooms. Although new residents are asked to arrive in the afternoon, they often request to be admitted to the room much earlier. My daily work is accompanied by haste and stress. “

From the tip – the second salary

Sonata, who worked at the Vilnius public catering establishment for half a year, says the customers’ generous tips secured higher incomes.

“When hiring us waiters, it was agreed that the salary would be paid for the hours worked. We follow the rule: the more you work, the more you earn,” recalls the woman.



The former waitress remembers that the wages at the institution where she worked were low: “Because our employers realized that we would earn a lot by receiving tips, they did not even consider paying us more.”

And how many tips did you receive more? “I remember getting 80 euros in one night,” said Sonata with a smile. The woman adds that, in many cases, the amount of tips collected far exceeded the salary received.

Contributes to the salary in the second job.

Wrote down CVmarket Marketing managers, low monthly income employees often work additional jobs.

“Representatives from low-income professions choose the following additional jobs: Cleaner, Night Watchman, Production or Trade Support Worker, as well as Goods Collector or Portal Administrator, Collector and Online Business Order Preparer,” lists R. Tatarėlytė.



According to the specialist, the additional work of a cleaner is chosen due to the possibility of working in the evenings or only on weekends.

“The representatives for the jobs listed often do not need to work during specific work hours, it is possible to work at night or from home,” says CVmarket’s marketing manager.

The woman adds that, in general, the salary for extra work is per hour and ranges between 5-8 euros per hour.

When income is unsatisfactory, retrain

According to employment service spokesman Milda Jankauskienė, wages are not the main factor in finding a job.

“For the unemployed, wages are an important factor in finding a job, but not the most important. There is a tendency that working conditions, colleagues, opportunities to combine work and family responsibilities are no less important,” he says. the specialist.

Still, if the current pay is not satisfactory, employees are looking to see where they can earn more. “Generally, a second job is chosen from the same group or professional field. For example, an architect-designer works both in an office and in an individual activity. The teacher works at the school and provides tutoring services, ”says M. Jankauskienė.

Representatives of these professions earn less in Lithuania: the employee named a common trick of employers

Do people often train to earn more? According to the Employment Service representative, flexibility, or more precisely, the ability to adapt to changing job requirements and retraining ensures a more efficient job search.

In the first half of 2020, the following career change programs were selected: Automotive Vehicle Driver Training Program for Initial Professional Qualification, Accountant and Cashier, Nursing Assistant, Cook, Welder, Web Programmer, Warehouse Operator , plumber, trucking operation, warehouse operator

According to the interviewee, more than 10,000 clients of the employment service acquired new professional skills and qualifications last year. The largest group of people who wanted to retrain consisted of people between the ages of 30 and 49, there were just over 5,000.

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