Representatives of culture on the ministerial candidate S.Kairis: for some – the best option, for others – an adventurous solution | Culture


A.Gelūnas: The Liberal Movement has chosen the best candidate

Arūnas Gelūnas, Director of the National Museum of Art of Lithuania and member of the Liberal Movement 15 minutes He said he would not want to get ahead of the president and is willing to receive his assessment.

“I have known Mr. S. Kairis for quite some time. Although he is a man of political ideas, I know him more as a municipal deputy mayor who cared about cultural heritage. We have been in contact about the preparation of the archive of Kaunas modernist architecture and its inclusion in UNESCO World Heritage Lists.

At least as a deputy mayor at the time, he really demonstrated a serious attitude, competence, and clear values. I believe that the Liberal Movement has found the best candidate, at least within the lines of its party. And if it will be suitable for the president, at the national level, not only as he has experience in the municipality of Kaunas, time will tell. But it would be really difficult to see any other candidacy of the party, “he said.

He has such a Samogitian stubbornness.

But. Gelūnas would see S. Kairis as a minister who would not allow the Ministry of Culture to become the last priority? “He has such a Samogitian stubbornness,” he said. – As far as I know, he’s from Telšiai, so he’s hard-working and persistent. So I hope there are enough rhetorical measures, if appointed, to prevent this priority from being forgotten. “

VIDEO: Understand in an instant: all the candidates for ministers proposed by I. Šimonytė

“None of the ministries should become the last priority,” commented A. Gelūnas. In his opinion, the government should not act on the principle of absolute equality, since some issues, such as education or health, are extremely relevant.

A.Gelūnas noted that the current proposal for the composition of the Government “gives hope” and increases the likelihood that S.Kairys will be heard.

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Arūnas Gelūnas

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Arūnas Gelūnas

G.Masteikaitė: when you don’t expect it, people take it and it surprises you

How does Gintarė Masteikaitė, the director of the Lithuanian Dance Information Center, see the candidacy of S. Kairis?

“I think that the ruling majority has been very adventurous in proposing policies that have very little contact with culture and that are even less familiar to the cultural community with such a sensitive position. I don’t even doubt it, I see that due to this candidacy there will be wind and agitation in the next few hours ”, said G. Masteikaitė.

“This is a person who has worked in Kaunas and Kaunas City Municipality for most of his career. It is very difficult to evaluate because I have lost the joint work, so I do not want to immediately condemn a person without knowing their options. I would like the candidate to look at his post very responsibly and choose his team even more responsibly, to listen to the cultural community and to continue the tone set by the ruling coalition on high-level cultural policy and dialogue with different concerned parties. I don’t know, I would give it a chance, because sometimes when they don’t expect it, people take it and it surprises me, “continued G. Masteikaitė.

Photo by Remis Ščerbauskas Gintarė Masteikaitė

Photo by Remis Ščerbauskas Gintarė Masteikaitė

V. Kernagis: this was the decision made during the negotiations

Vytautas Kernagis, a member and MP for the Union of the Homeland-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) party, said it was difficult to assess so far.

“There are no obvious jobs on the charts yet for the field and for the benefit of the culture, but maybe the person who came will really show real leadership. I think in any case, a person will find themselves under the Seimas and with a magnifying glass in the field of culture, ”he said.

“I think it is a liberal decision, we will see how he achieves it. I have also spoken with the leadership of this party, I would like the candidate to be strong and meet the expectations that the entire field of culture expects. The community participated and the issues raised were appropriate, ”he said.

Why was V. Kernagis himself not among the candidates? “It just came to our knowledge then. I think the most important thing is that we all participate and do not give up. And it is difficult to say why one or the other candidate,” said the politician.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Vytautas Kernagis

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Vytautas Kernagis

V. Ališauskas: The most important thing is that the Minister has political support

Professor Vytautas Ališauskas also commented on the new candidacy.

“It is difficult to assess the candidacy of a person who has not yet appeared in the field of great politics. And I don’t think that this experience is necessary for us to make a breakthrough or recognize an opportunity to appear ”, the interlocutor began. – Another problem: Kaunas has serious problems with heritage protection. We have seen many such cases, such as an inability to deal with interwar inheritance, a general lack of concept of what to do. Of course, I cannot say whether the future minister should be specifically investigated. “

Anyway, the Ministry of Culture has never been a priority for any government, which is natural. But we will see if the new minister is at least capable of maintaining the level that has existed until now, it will not be bad, “said the professor.

V. Ališauskas does not believe that a minister-doctor should work in health care, a person who has served in the army should work in national defense.

“It is an outdated concept,” he said. – The most important question is: does the minister have political support? As we can see, the previous government did not have political support, so its work was constantly convulsed and controversial ”.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vytautas Ališauskas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vytautas Ališauskas

Ž.Diavara: his thoughts are modern and progressive

“We believe that everything is very good and it is important that we continue working. From what I had to communicate, his thoughts are modern and progressive, ”said Živilė Diavara, Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Creative and Cultural Industries.

“He was chosen by consensus of the coalition, so I think logical decisions have been made. The least we expect are small: productive work and listening in all areas. Culture should not be the last, but, in our opinion, the last. It is not only a part of entertainment, but also a part of the cultural economy, it has an impact on health, education, social relations and the image of Lithuania, “he continued.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 min photo / Živilė Diawara

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Živilė Diawara

R.Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė: it is important that the candidate is a reader

Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė, Executive Director of the Lithuanian Publishers Association 15 minutes provided the following answer:

“The Minister of Culture will have a great responsibility: to listen to the entire field of culture, which is infinitely diverse and broad. First of all, I hope to be able to dialogue with professionals who work in and in the field of culture, without excluding an area or sector, a city or a region. We look forward to hearing not only the existing problems, but also the possible solutions.

It is gratifying that this candidate emphasizes the link between culture and education and that he is already listening to the questions raised by the cultural field and proposing solutions.

It is important for the publishing sector that the candidate is a reader, who on many occasions has paid attention to literary projects and their dissemination, participated in the debates organized by the association, so we hope an open door for the Ministry and important issues for publishing, libraries and readers.

As a Samogitian, I would like to give an additional mandate of trust to a candidate born and raised in Samogitia ”.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė
