Representative of S. Cichanauskaja: The answer to the ultimatum is the withdrawal of the campaign in support of Lukashenko


Sviatlan Cichanouskaya press conference in Vilnius. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Minsk’s best response to Aliaksandr Lukashenko’s resignation from the people’s presidency is to withdraw its demonstration of support on Sunday, says Ana Krasulina, a spokeswoman for Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlan Cichanauskaya.

We received a response when we saw that Lukashenko was trying to hold a large rally to support him, and he did not do so because the rally was canceled. This is the answer to our ultimatum: you have no support and have not been able to put together the rally you are announcing. I think he was forcing everyone to participate, there were many threats in the regions that we heard about, many people passed it on to us, BNS said yesterday.

Lukashenko told the media on Friday that his support campaign was going to gather some 300,000 people on Sunday, but asked the country’s prime minister to urge local authorities to cancel mass demonstrations so as not to paralyze Minsk and not guarantee security.

According to A. Krasulina, A. Lukashenko’s decision to forcibly organize a rally of support was the most unsuccessful option, trying to threaten companies, translate them, collect them across the country, and eventually fail to collect, run and lie. .

The mass strike has not been lifted

It states that in the absence of Lukashenko’s demand for the resignation and release of political prisoners, a massive nationwide strike is scheduled to begin on Monday at the country’s largest industrial plants in Belaruskalij and Grodno Azot, MTZ, MAZ, MZKT.

It is necessary that the social contract, where Sil Lukashenko’s workers, is completely a play. It has now become clear that Lukashenko’s regime has run out of resources to back up the fact that such a state has failed, that the model no longer works and that his entire government system is working, Krasulina said.

He stressed that the demands were an ultimatum from the people, not from Sviatlan Cichanauska, and called for a strike against all Belarusian citizens and for the actual transfer of power to be achieved as soon as possible.

At the same time, he emphasized that neither planned protests nor strikes would be coordinated with S. Cichanauskaya’s taboo in Vilnius.

Cichanauskaya’s taboo does not coordinate the protest, but there are telegram channels and various initiatives that coordinate and not his own creativity, he said.

Representatives for S. Cichanouskaja said small businesses were invited to contribute to the strike on Monday, at least for a short time, and support from other strikers is expected later. According to her, the strikes are expected to take place for at least a week, after which the situation will be assessed.

We would support it if everyone, including small and medium-sized businesses, joined the strike, closed their doors and no one else walked around town. It is not necessary to stop the business for two, three or five weeks, because in reality the business does not work for the state apparatus, it works for itself and will work to support the strikers. We decided that they should not destroy their business, they could continue working, but at the same time they should demonstrate all possible means of assistance for the strike, especially by replenishing funds to support the strikers, he said.

Krasulina called on Belarusian companies to observe safety about the spread of the coronavirus in traditional Sunday protests, as well as to guard against potential provocations and arrest potential provocateurs using self-defense brains to maintain law and order. any other behavior must be a provocation of power.

Former Belarusian presidential candidate S. Cichanauskaja withdrew from Vilnius after the August 9 elections, in which authoritarian leader Aliaksandr Lukashenko was declared the winner. To this day, thousands of protests continue to take place by force.

38-year-old political novice Cichanauskaja declared a popular ultimatum to the Minsk regime on October 13 and threatened a national strike if the head of state did not announce his resignation on Sunday, violence against protesters would not end and political prisoners they would not be released.

The Belarusian government announced an international search for Ms. Cichanouskaya last week, although her name had previously been revealed to a person from the Russian Interior Ministry.

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