Reopening beer bars drive neighbors to despair – they hear curses all day


Closed but did not disappear

Despite the fact that the owners of many bars do not open them at all to visitors who do not have access to a passport, they do not stop their business. According to Viktorija Kuodienė, specialist of the Panevėžys Municipality City Development Department, since November 7 last year, when pub activities were suspended due to quarantine, none of the 55 institutions of this type living in the city has been liquidated.

The municipality has no data on how many of its activities resumed after the release of quarantine restrictions. The beer bar owners themselves estimate that now, in mid-June, visitors to Panevėžys are greeted by many, mostly several, beers from more than fifty registered beers.

And wakes up and wakes up with curses

Sekundei, a Panevėžys resident living on Algirdo Street, took comfort that with the beginning of summer, when the breweries were allowed to receive customers outside, the peace of the residents of her and many of the surrounding apartment buildings, also known as bedrooms, came to an end. According to her, already on the first day of summer, it was not the usual birdsong, but the curses emanating from a beer near the house.

“I think everyone in Panevėžys knows that beer. It’s by the Žagienis stream, between Aukštaičiai and Algirdo streets. Unofficially, everyone calls it ‘Duobe’, and the real name I can’t figure out anyway,” he said. a woman who did not dare to announce her last name.

He says he doesn’t dare to do it because the pub patrons aren’t hooked anyway. Panevėžys worries that after knowing the first or last name, it will soon become clear where he lives and the windows in the apartment could be broken.

She is most disturbed by the courtyard oath of the pub in question.

“I wake up from curses, I hear curses when I eat, I fall asleep with drunken tongues” embellished “with curses. A friend has come, and he says, well, the neighbors are yours. I mean, no neighbor is cursing, the beer drinkers are cursing. But after considering it, we decided that they are neighbors, because they are meeting near my house, “said the woman.

She says that she is old and that she no longer has the patience to listen to such curses. Furthermore, the pub district has long become a normal part of life for children in the surrounding apartment buildings.

“After all, children run near that pub, so they also hear bad words, remember them, maybe they even consider saying it to be the norm,” said the older one indignantly.

Ask for help

Panevėžys says that as soon as the quarantine clamps were lifted and Duobei opened the door again, he called the Municipality for the lost peace and asked at least to say who handles this “inconvenience” that repeats life to many of them.

“When I called, they listened to me patiently, I knew I would not hear the name of the owner of the pub, some kind of law prohibits it from being made public, they kindly thanked me for the call. But which of the following? The pub is still working, it is still working, the curses are coming out of its patio, it is still flowing, ”said a disappointed resident of Algirdo Street with the help of the Municipality.

I did not like the attention

The Duobe Brewery is run by Jomerta. His manager, Arvydas Veršelis, was upset by the attention of the journalists. According to him, the bar is denounced by a woman who, having nothing to do, patrols, listens to who is talking about what and then calls the authorities.

A. Veršelis makes no secret that complaints about his bar activities have been closed for almost a decade. When asked further by reporters, Veršelis said he saw no need to answer, adding that no one had fined the company for a beer bar. Having said that and wishing him a good day, A. Veršelis hastened to turn off the phone.

Remember only the complaints of entrepreneurs

However, the municipal specialist V. Kuodienė assures that not only from the residents of Algirdo Street, but also from all the residents of Panevėžys in general, no complaints about beer bars have been received since early 2021.

According to V. Kuodienė, throughout the quarantine period, the brewery owners complained to the Municipality only because they were unable to carry out activities, that their business was collapsing. Despite complaints, no beer bars were closed. How many of them have opened now, when it is already possible to choose passports for those who have access to the interior of the buildings, and there are no prohibitions to drink beer while sitting outside, the Municipality has no data.

The second house is closed

The beer bar owners operating in the city estimate that no more than 8 of the 55 beer bars are currently operating.

Inga, who runs a couple of beer bars, one in Nemunas and the other on Klaipėdos Street, asked not to reveal her name, explaining that she was already receiving negative feedback from people she knew about her activities. According to Inga, her beer bars are still closed. You can’t open them because you don’t have permission to run the business outside. There is very little room to build benches next to the commercial buildings you have.

“We hope that the government will allow us to open from the beginning of July. Then maybe we can invite people inside the pubs, their usual place,” Inga expected.

According to the businesswoman, several of her clients visited the pub from its opening to its closing.

“We believe that we provide some kind of social services to these people. As long as they are in the pub, they are protected, not frozen, not attacked. We see that for many, pubs have become second homes. What to do for these people now, where to hug? ”- the owner of a couple of pubs felt sorry for the visitors.

He did not dare to build banks

Rūta Zuopelienė is the second of two pubs, one of which is located on Staniūnų Street, surrounded by old dormitories, on the corner of Vilnius and Vytauto streets. Currently both pubs are closed.
“I cannot open them, there are no patios near them, where, sitting under the gazebos, customers can communicate pleasantly,” explained R. Zuopelienė.

According to her, the brewery building at the corner of Vilnius and Vytauto streets does not have a patio and people will not sit on the sidewalk next to the street. And here is the pub on Staniūnų Street, located between the bedrooms.

“We would put benches outside, I think we would receive complaints. This is a playground where children run”, R. Zuopelienė has no doubts.

Even though both pubs are still waiting for the opening day, R. Zuopelien que said there is no point in letting people in, because passports are needed to dine under the roof, but pub patrons are highly unlikely to they would.

“We have not worked for the last 8 months. During the first stage of quarantine, we also sat closed for 2 months,” said the owner of two pubs.

Beer drinkers declined

The visitors of the pubs, according to R. Zuopelienė, met somewhere in the city and, with great anxiety, ask when they will be able to meet again, when the pubs will open their doors.

“They will not sit at home in front of a mirror and they will not drink. People need communication, they want to talk, share news ”, says my businesswoman.

And the Romas Butkevičius brewery, located on J. Basanavičiaus street, has been operating since the beginning of summer. As soon as he learned that catering establishments, including beer bars, could receive visitors abroad, the owner of this bar claims to have bought, then installed an outdoor gazebo, acquired new outdoor furniture, and then have open the pub door.

“Unfortunately, I must say that there are definitely no more visitors than before. I think people are gradually getting used not only to cultural events, but also to catering establishments. Now they are making a profit for the liquor stores, ”says R. Butkevičius.

The entrepreneur says his customers’ beer-loving neighbors aren’t mad at the outdoor bustle.

“Our clients are cultural, they feel moderate, don’t get too angry,” says R. Butkevičius.
