Renowned American Political Scientist: Much has changed in Europe, dangerous screams are gaining more and more influence


What a paradox! Ms. Hirsi Ali is a black women’s rights activist, herself a victim of patriarchal society in Somalia, but still disliked by American feminist and left-wing elites. Why? – Asks René Scheu, publicist and philosopher, opening a conversation with A. Hirsi Ali in the Swiss newspaper Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ).

According to the interlocutor, the privileged layers on the left are “simply upset” by the fact that she does not get involved in their game.

“Very simple: I refuse to be a victim as they would like to see me. If I played the victim, I could get whatever I wanted. Because the academic strata of Americans are simply crazy about the issues of racism and slavery. But when I remind them that slavery also had its providers, they pretend to be deaf and move on to another topic. Everyone knows where I come from: and Africans have enslaved Africans ”, it is not a Western specialty. And living in freedom is really a Western peculiarity, “explained A. Hirsi Ali.

Blackens their culture according to the scheme of vulgar Marxism

According to the political scientist, Western culture has a fundamental advantage: like no other culture, “it has created social openness, political freedom, technical innovation and economic prosperity.” Other cultures have created rare and valuable things, “but the freedom of Western culture is invaluable to all people. That’s what I say, Somali by birth. And the left liberal elite don’t like that language. “

The woman is simply perplexed by the fact that the same left liberals who claim to represent the interests of black immigrants like her portray Western culture under a “vulgar Marxist scheme”, as a system of oppression: “There are only oppressors and oppressed , hence power relations. However, unlike Marxism, the place in the hierarchy of oppression is not determined by social status, but by belonging to a group. There is no communication between these groups, it is not possible to reconciliation between them, only a struggle is possible in which all means are allowed. To call it a stereotype of thought would be very little, it has long been a doctrine of faith. “

For a man who comes from a “truly illegal state” where the population is systematically oppressed, such a Western self-proclamation seems simply absurd, admits Hirsi Ali. But if that person tells you that “you are wrong to criticize your own culture and idealize foreign cultures, well, then you have two options: rethink your position or defame someone who says such“ scandalous ”things. They tend to choose the last option, turning cognitive dissonance into a permanent state ”, analyzes the political scientist.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Elites are not opposed to “this nonsense” – of opportunism

According to Scheu, a Swiss who spoke to an American, tribalist thinking has recently begun to take hold in Western societies, when it is no longer what is said but what is said that matters in the debate. And the identity of the speaker is defined solely by his membership in a group.

“My letters as a straight white male are now really bad; I have become the new incarnation of evil by excellence“Says a 46-year-old philosopher.

“Every white man has an oppressor, a criminal, a patriarch; this is a history of the hyper-radical left that has long been established in the United States and is spreading in Europe,” the interlocutor agreed.

The white man, he says, is simply demonized: no matter what he says or does, according to the narrative on the left, he only seeks one thing: to mask, justify and maintain his power and privileges by all means. “It’s really strange to me: why do so many people take such nonsense in stride? Why not object? ”Hirsi Ali said.

She blames elite opportunism for this. All the cultural, economic and political elites have been playing games for a long time: “some feel guilty because they have money, education or power. Others do not feel guilty, but avoid showing it, they want to continue living in peace and taking care of their property. There are also those who fear the radicals of the right and, in principle, agree with everything that emanates from the left corner. So the elites are just watching what is happening, adapting to that new doctrine, or even supporting it, for the sake of the eyes. “

Behind hatred of one’s own culture lies a moral arrogance

The political scientist is alarmed that the “highly effective and extremely dangerous” minority of leftists is gaining more and more influence: “They are finding allies among the elites who hope to benefit from this new doctrine. Through the old media and social media channels, they are putting moral pressure on industry, business, universities and parliaments. They already run departments and sit in parliaments. In this way, the linguistic framework, the formulation of content aimed at influencing the perception of the recipient’s reality, is already working even in everyday life, everyone only talks about the ideals of equality, inclusion and social justice ”.

These leftists have a one-sided view of Western history. “For them, it is based solely on racism, exploitation and colonialism,” says Hirsi Ali. “And everything their parents probably taught them – work hard, obey the law, respect other people’s property – all those virtues are no longer valid for the new apostles.” All this is for them the “whiteness” – the “being white” – that they want to overcome. In the end, they radically reject Jewish and Christian heritage and despise all traditions. “

However, in this hatred shown towards his own culture, A. Hirsi Ali sees a kind of form of moral superiority “logically: he who humiliates himself exalts himself. They love themselves in that self-destruction. They see themselves as moral, noble and infallible people who can look at others from above ”.

Left “awake” reminds Somalis of Islam

“According to the new doctrine of ‘awakening’, the weaker a person is, the more power he has. If you agree with those dogmas, then you are one of the good and just, and if you refuse to recognize them because you are convinced of the advantages of a society based on individual achievement and competition, then you will find yourself among the reluctant losers.

This religious doctrine has its priests and priests. In the United States, the “highest priest,” according to Hirsi Ali, is now a popular member of Congress, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with more than 10 million followers on Twitter.

The secular fundamentalists of the “awakened” remind the political scientist of the Islamic fundamentalists, whose parallels were drawn by A. Hirsi Ali in an article published in the same Swiss daily NZZ in September. One of the similarities he sees is “ideological purity”: “Neither Islamists nor people who call themselves ‘awake’ enter the debate; both tend to indoctrinate surrender and condemn the opponent. “

The saddest thing A. Hirsi Ali has seen is the indoctrination trends in US high schools. “There has been a huge increase in anti-liberal elements among the American left, not only in high schools, but also in the media. of communication and in many companies. A whole generation of students has been instilled with an ideology that has much more in common with the intolerant teaching of religious worship than with the secular political thought that I came across while studying at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Low, ”the political scientist wrote in a September comment.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Europe then looked like the Promised Land

1969 A. Hirsi Ali, born in Mogadishu, suffered Islamist violence with his fur: when he tried to rebel in the lessons of the Koran, the teacher beat the girl so much that he even broke her skull. However, the constant indoctrination carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood became its own: for a time the girl wore a hijab, believing in the superiority of Muslim culture.

When she found herself in the Netherlands in 1992, fleeing a forced marriage, Europe appeared to her as the Promised Land, the woman admitted in a Swiss newspaper. “Back then, people were still proud of their community, their political culture, their market economy, and their democracy. Since then, a lot has changed in people’s minds, both in Europe and in the United States. Prosperity it kept growing, but at the same time, so to speak, there was a great spiritual void, “he said.

“People in the West are materially overwhelmed, most of them have too much money, too much entertainment, too much technology, too many leisure activities. “But there comes a time when they also have a question: who needs all this?” The criticisms of his system come from oversaturation, he sums it up.

By criticizing ideologues of identity politics who are bored with their culture, despise their traditions and secretly display their morality, the black migrant reminds them: you are cutting down a tree whose fruit you are using.

A. Hirsi Ali 1992 came to the Netherlands via Germany, where he received political asylum. Here she began her struggle with political Islam, writing the script for the film Submission of Women to Islam, by director Theo van Gogh. 2004 November 2 the director was assassinated by a Muslim extremist and threatened with a knife to the co-author A. Hirsi Ali in the chest.

2006 the woman immigrated to the US and is now a researcher at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. He turned away from Islam. He describes himself as a cultural Christian. There is the wife of the famous historian Nial Ferguson. His latest book, “Reform! Why Islam must change ”(2016). He has been the recipient of numerous awards for his work and activities.

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