Remote discussions at the Seimas could not be legalized


“If both articles of the project are not approved, the initiators will have to rethink what to do”, summed up the first vice president of Seimas Jurgis Razma.

The Seimas did not adopt the amended amendments to the Statute of the Seimas Law and Order Committee, which stipulate that after declaring an emergency situation in which health and / or human life is in danger, the Seimas Board may convene, ensuring the identification of a member of the Seimas, being able to participate in the debate on all the issues under consideration, submitting proposals, comments, amendments orally and in writing, requesting additional speakers and speakers in the Seimas sessions; publish statements, give an answer, speak about the reasons for voting, make proposals on the procedure and procedure for holding a meeting. This provision would not apply to closed sessions of the Seimas.

ELTA recalls that when presenting the project, Seimas member Andrius Vyšniauskas said that its adoption would guarantee the possibility for Seimas members to participate in discussions remotely. He also noted that the legalization of remote voting requires other solutions and the implementation of such a system may take time. “We are not talking about voting, we are only talking about discussions,” noted A. Vyšniauskas.

Currently, the Statute of the Seimas does not provide that possibility for a parliamentarian.

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