Remaining manager with a third of coronavirus employees in the company: we do not wish this on anyone


It’s hard to keep commitments

According to the National Public Health Center (NVSC), a total of 40 workers were identified with coronavirus at Interscalit. The owner of the company himself clarified that currently 29 employees have positive test results, all of whom worked a shift.

“We know that several people had to be treated in the hospital, but their condition was not serious. There are around 100 employees in isolation,” he said, adding that in general such a situation would not be to anyone’s liking and has had an impact. significant in the company’s production capacity.

“We cannot meet our obligations to our clients. We are pleased to be able to work with at least some of the staff who have not had contact with sick colleagues.

Marius rakickas

Marius rakickas

© Company photo

After identifying the first case, we were in constant contact with the NVSC representatives and coordinated all the measures. And they basically try to keep employees in as little contact as possible. That is, regulate the flow of people, their breaks, the change in work to avoid contact with other brigades. Also, of course, all the security measures and inform people about the situation. It is also very important that people know the situation, do not create their own versions, “he said.

According to the manager, although the company is currently focusing on the separation of employee flows and hygiene, due to isolated and co-infected employees, the company today employs only about 30 percent. workers.

“However, we are already preparing for the return of others from isolation, as the mandatory isolation period is coming to an end. Clients are informed about the situation. Although he is not happy with it, he still tolerates it. No one is. protected from our fate at this time, “said M. Rakickas openly.

Have predictive scripts

When asked how the company’s drop in production and coronavirus cases affected the company’s revenue, the director said it was too early to answer this question.

“We will have the answer a little later, the impact is not over yet and the final figures are not yet available.

We may be able to “catch up” with some of the delays, but it is too early to talk about it, “he said, but added that the company has developed various scenarios, what would happen if the virus continued to spread.

“We have at least some scenarios based on possible scenarios and we are ready to respond quickly to emerging threats.

We strive to manage and control everything in our power. We cannot simply manage the entry of viruses into a company. The first spread with us started with the sick feeling well and more
without feeling any symptoms. And now, as I have already mentioned, we see that the situation is beginning to stabilize and we can return to the usual rhythm a bit, ”he said.

True, as it hinted, the company has anticipated that if it were to suspend operations in Lithuania for a long time, potential orders would be transferred to its subsidiary in Ukraine, but there are no plans to do so so far.

In conclusion, M. Rakick assured that, like other previous crises, this company will only get stronger.

“Although it is a lot of money, we have learned many lessons and we are much more prepared for the next period, which will certainly not be easy for all companies until the virus is controlled.

The crisis of a decade ago was different, but it did not stumble the company. We believe that the coronavirus will not do the same. The consequences of the quarantine were easier for us than we were preparing for. This wave, I think, will not be particularly difficult, “he opened.

On Friday, NVSC reported 1 more case of coronavirus registered in Šiauliai, related to a sewing company operating in Šiauliai. There are currently 45 cases related to this outbreak.

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