Relevant to the unemployed: it is now possible to apply for a new benefit


It is estimated that approximately two thirds of the unemployed registered with the Employment Service will receive a higher benefit, and approximately one third will receive a lower benefit, since these people also receive a social security benefit.

Additional support for the next six months.

The € 200 job seeker allowance is available to both those who do not qualify for the social security unemployment benefit and those who have previously received unemployment benefits but the period for which it has expired has expired. The job seeker allowance will not be paid only to job seekers who participate in active labor market policies, such as training or job creation support.

This additional support is part of a general package of measures to mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19 and quarantine. In particular, this benefit will guarantee at least a minimum income for those who have lost their jobs and cannot find one quickly. The job search allowance will be paid for 6 months, but not more than the end of 2020.

If an unemployed person experiencing a difficult financial situation in the family requests monetary social assistance from the municipality, from 20 to 40 percent. the new job search allowance will not be excluded from income received.

What to do to make a profit

To receive the benefit, you must first be registered with the Employment Service and have the status of an unemployed person. If the person is not registered with the Employment Service, they can do so online or upon arrival at the live Employment Service; the contact service has already been renewed.

When an unemployed person is already registered with the Employment Service, all they need to do is fill out the job search benefit application form.

You can apply in one of the following ways:

  • After visiting the Customer Service Department.
  • The by sending a completed application by mail to the Customer Service Department where the person is registered. The email address must be the same as the one on the job applicant ‘s registration card. If the request is not signed by email. signature, the original must be submitted to the Employment Service within 3 months.
  • By sending the completed and signed request to the Customer Service Department where the person is registered.

The decision to grant the benefit is made by the Employment Service within 10 business days. It is designated from the day the person requested.

The job search allowance is paid monthly for the previous month. If the benefit is granted in the middle of the month, the unemployed person will receive a proportionally lower benefit the following month. For example, unemployed people who apply in June will receive their first job search benefits starting July 17. The amount will be less than € 200 because the benefits have not occurred since the beginning of the month.

Unemployment has stabilized

Compared to the beginning of the quarantine, on June 15, the number of unemployed registered with the Employment Service increased by approximately 40 thousand. – from 160 to 203 thousand, but recently the number of unemployed has stabilized. At the beginning of the quarantine, unemployment was 9.3 percent, and now stands at 11.8 percent. It remains very similar for the third week in a row.

According to Sodra, 115,000 people were hired during the period between the beginning of the quarantine and June 14. people, and 118 thousand were fired. In Lithuania, in the first quarter of 2020, there were a total of 1,412 million. insured.

The job search subsidy is estimated at 265 million. from the state budget.

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