Relevant to anyone planning to see a family doctor – the situation is catastrophic in some places


Vida Augustinienė, the president of the Council of Representatives of Lithuanian Patient Organizations, stated on the program that she was waiting for a visit to her family doctor for at least 3 weeks.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It was a week, then that time lasted up to 2 weeks, and now I have not been screwed for 2 years without three weeks,” said V. Augustinienė on the show.

“The next time I want to ask something during the remote consultation, most of the time the doctor answers that he does not have time, that there are several patients waiting. And he really does not want to hear what else he wants to say,” said the president of the Council of Representatives of the Lithuanian Patient Organizations.

The situation worsened during the pandemic

Danguolė Jankauskienė, deputy minister of the Ministry of Health (SAM), on the radio news program “Open conversation” that the situation before the pandemic was deteriorating significantly.

“There are two very different things: what was there before the pandemic and what is at the end of the pandemic. If you look at it in general, Lithuanians see doctors 26 million times a year. Before the pandemic, they took carried out all kinds of investigations both internationally and in Lithuania. And now also during the pandemic. and now we see very large cardinal differences, “he said.

“If before the pandemic, our people internationally and people said that access to doctors in Lithuania is not so bad. On average, people see multiple doctors, not just families, but also specialists 9.5 times a year. Only about 4 percent experienced various problems, because accessibility is a very complex concept, ”said SAM Deputy Minister Mr. Jankauskienė.

He assured that the situation had changed drastically during the pandemic. As family doctors, according to the interlocutors, they joke with each other: a certain traffic jam has formed.

“When he could not apply for a long time, he was afraid, he did not want to apply. And now everyone needs help. And especially those who have chronic diseases, who have all kinds of disorders, the situation is worse for them. And now that we have done one In the survey, up to 69 percent of the population said that accessing a family doctor is difficult ”, evaluated the SAM representative.

Relevant to anyone planning to see a family doctor - the situation is catastrophic in some places

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Promises change

Auristida Gerliakienė, Chairperson of the Medical Movement Board, listed all the problems that doctors face in the Open Question program.

“A pandemic only aggravates those old wounds of everything that has been in the health system. We already spoke with the deputy minister in January and I commented to him that there are characteristics of the financing of outpatient services that set the precedent for queues. When specialists are paid a very small amount for one visit, only the first and fourth visits are paid.

This creates a vicious cycle: GPs have to write referrals so that people can see a specialist, and the medical institution has an interest in seeing the specialist conduct as many consultations as possible. And so the finances would be collected “, A. Gerliakienė spoke about the real reasons for this situation in the program.

He stressed that the work of doctors is also irrationally exploited: they are forced to work as “dependents” to issue various certificates.

“These things can be done by nurses in outpatient clinics. But the powers are not composed in any way. And GPs could also perform certain functions performed by professionals, but they are more required to write references. In practice, the family doctor has to provide a job for a second-level specialist, instead of doing it himself, ”said the president of the board of the Medical Movement.

A. Griauslienė also stated that there is an unbalanced time for consultations and their payment.

“If there is a long consultation, it is necessary to carry out the examination and consult the patient. However, this time is often shortened due to the flow of secondary patients. And then the specialist is not capable of doing everything physically with quality ”, said the interviewee of the program.

SAM Deputy Minister, D. Jankauskien declaró, stated that all problems are known to the Ministry, that they are being resolved. She said changes should be implemented

“Our reforms have been very confused by COVID-19, since a large part of the ministry’s work has been dedicated to it. All the reforms are already planned, little by little we are beginning to make them known and made known to the public” explained the deputy minister.

He said that the main issues will be announced at the end of this year and their implementation will continue throughout the work of this Government.
