Recording more and more youth deaths in Lithuania may change tack: so far this is the only way


The Deputy Minister of Health, Živilė Simonaitytė, explains to the JP news portal why the number of patients with COVID-19 is increasing. In addition, the deputy minister presented pilot projects that can help control the insidious disease.

– Why has COVID-19 worsened despite the increasing number of vaccinated people? What influences the increase in diseases?

– COVID-19 disease – seasonal disease. It is related not only to the weather, but also to human activity. We see this now when we look at outbreaks, and statistics show that the number of cases is increasing. Of course, we have the highest number of outbreaks in educational establishments. Students returned to schools and students to universities. A lively educational process has started in confined spaces and good conditions have been created for the spread of this virus. Also, children under a certain age cannot be vaccinated, which leads to a sufficiently high spread of the disease.

– After Lithuania enters the “black” zone of the pandemic, some politicians offer to return the mandatory use of masks. Do you think this proposal is timely and will it be accepted?

– This is discussed and considered better by epidemiologists, not politicians. In addition, this issue will be discussed at the meeting of the Government and it is planned to discuss the rules of the recommendation to wear masks.

– There has been talk of a pilot project in which GPs will be able to vaccinate. And the project will start in the municipality of Vilnius. When will the project be accelerated and cover the whole country?

– Although I am not creating a project, but the fact that people still need to be educated about the benefits and efficacy of vaccines, and the main objective is to bring the vaccine to all people who have not been vaccinated. Such a project exists and will distribute vaccines to GPs so that they can participate in vaccination. Especially since the role of the family doctor is very important. Therefore, it is increasingly proposed that vaccines are available simply in the outpatient clinic during a routine visit. When the project will begin in the territories of other municipalities, I could not specify.

– A pilot project is being implemented in the Trakai district, where a nurse who vaccinates people travels with the letter. If successful, will the project be expanded?

– Yes, this is another pilot project of the Ministry together with the Lithuanian Post, because the correspondents are people closest to the people of the districts. It started not only in Trakai District Township, but also in a few others. If successful, this project will cover all of Lithuania. This tool is designed to vaccinate older people more, but it can be vaccinated by other people who wish to do so. After all, the most important thing is a safe and healthy society.
