Record number of COVID-19 for the second day in a row: 2,514 new coronavirus cases are detected, 26 people die


In hospitals: 1940 patients infected with coronavirus

Lithuanian hospitals treat 1940 confirmed coronavirus patients, 139 of them in resuscitation.

974 patients need oxygen, 78 people receive artificial lung ventilation.

Currently, approximately half of the hospital beds are occupied: 9,260 of the 16,000. 660.

Of the 672 resuscitation beds, just over half were occupied, 388. Of the 624 beds that can be used for artificial lung ventilation, 223 are occupied, of the 6,209 oxygen beds are occupied by 2,233.

A total of 590 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 306 people died from other causes.

Last day COVID-19 pandemic indicators

Number of new human cases confirmed in the last day: 2,514

Total number of confirmed cases in specific individuals: 69,582

Number of deaths from coronavirus the day before: 26

Total number of deaths from coronavirus: 590

Number of deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 306

Number of people recovered in the last day: 864

Number of people who recovered: 27,760

Number of people with coronavirus: 40,926

Yesterday samples were analyzed for suspected coronavirus: 11693

To date, a total of 1304,400 samples have been tested for suspected coronavirus.

It was confirmed in Lithuania on Thursday. 2,450 coronavirus cases – within a maximum period of one day from the start of the pandemic. With the increase in the number of infections in the country, Lithuania has become one of the “leading” European countries in the context.

In Lithuania, the total morbidity of 14 days The COVID-19 indicator is one of the highest in the European Union and countries of the European Economic Area. Only Croatia and Luxembourg are ahead of Lithuania.

According to the Lithuanian Department of Statistics on December 3, a record number of deaths was observed in Lithuania during the past seven weeks. Analysts from the Evidence-Based Medical Team (EPMG) calculated the magnitude of the excess deaths observed during this period. The excess of deaths shows how much more people died than expected over a period of time. The result is really worrying – The surplus of deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic is more than double the officially announced number of deaths from COVID-19.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė criticized the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). According to her, in the summer, when the number of diseases was low, The agency was not prepared for the second wave of coronavirus and is now unable to provide the necessary data to politicians.

“The institution was able to prepare for the second wave during the summer, to strengthen its processes, data exchange, data analysis so that politicians could make decisions based on data, not numbers,” it did not happen, Ingrida Šimonytė told reporters at the Seimas on Thursday. .

The government decided at the meeting on Wednesday to tighten the quarantine conditions. As of Thursday, no more than 2 people are allowed to gather in public places, with some exceptions, trading in temporary zones is prohibited. There are no stricter restrictions in supermarkets, only recommendations.
