Reconstruction of another section of the Vilnius-Kaunas highway begins


Aware: 2020-05-15 08:50

Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Reconstruction of another section of the Vilnius-Kaunas-Klaipda (A1) highway therefore begins in 2021. The summer section of Vilnius-Kaunas will become a real highway, it will be possible to drive faster, at

According to the Lithuanian Automobile Portal, several employees of the Directorate (LAKD), who implement the section of highway A1 from 10 to 95 km, the reconstruction is carried out in 5 different sections: from 10 to 18.1 km, from 18.1 to 27.56 km, from 27.56 to 56.96, from 56.97 to 87.44 km and from 87.44 to 95 km.

The contract was signed with two contractors: the Kaunas Bridges company will handle four ruous and Fegda alone. The total value of the entire project is approximately 42.6 million. EUR.

The stretch of road from Vilnius to Kaunas has the highest traffic flow not only in Lithuania, but also in the Baltic States. The average annual traffic intensity on this part of the road is approximately 30,000 cars per day.

After the reconstruction, it will be possible to drive 130 km / h. speed in summer and 110 km / h. speeds.

After the implementation of road safety measures and the reconstruction of a separate section of highway, the highway will comply with the category applicable to the highway.

Metal guardrails will be prepared on the sectional strip of the road in the section, and mesh fences of wild animals will be prepared on the section of the road. It is also planned to rebuild the acceleration and deceleration lanes, prepare pedestrians and crossings at different levels, prepare the speed and warning control system, prepare lighting and other works.

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