Recent Ratings: Leaders Who Have Been Empowered Have Been Re-evaluated


According to the Baltic Research poll conducted by the ELTA news agency from November 6 to 30, the proportion of the population favoring the new Prime Minister I. Šimonytė grew the most during the month.



Compared to October, its favorable rating rose to 11 percentage points in November. Currently, I. Šimonytė is favored by 48 percent. citizens and 45% – unfavorably.

Although I. Šimonytė ranks out of the top five most favored politicians with such a result, it should be noted that the change in the leaderboard during the month looks impressive.

In October, the new prime minister was ranked 18th on the leaderboard and had a negative balance of favorable and unfavorable ratings (minus 17). Meanwhile, in November, I. Šimonytė ranked sixth and the proportion of the population that appreciates it is slightly higher than that of those who say otherwise.

Meanwhile, the 17th Prime Minister S. Skvernelis finishes his job with a declining rating in recent months. Compared to October polls, the interim prime minister’s mid-term evaluation fell 3 percentage points in November. And if we compare the results on a two-month perspective, the interim prime minister’s rating dropped 7 percentage points. According to November data, S. Skvernelis was rated favorably at 44 percent. respondents and 49 percent. argued otherwise.

During the month, the rating of the other ruling leader, the president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, also increased significantly. Compared to the October population poll, there were 10 more percentage points of citizens favoring liberals. In November, V. Čmilytė-Nielsen gave a favorable evaluation of 52 percent. population and 31 percent. spoke in favor. With this result, he ranks fourth in the leaderboard. It can be noted that in October, she was out of the top ten of the most favored personalities.

During the formation of the government, G. Landsberg’s rating also increased

In the process of forming the new government and the ruling majority, the rating of the Conservative leader and the new Chancellor Gabrielius Landsbergis also grew. During the month, there were 6 percentage points more in favor of it. However, even a relatively large jump in rating did not significantly change Landsberg’s position on the rating table.

The Conservative continues to be among the least valued personalities in Lithuania. Currently, 33% receive Mr. Landsbergis. respondents and 60 percent. claims to be viewed in an unfavorable light.

Linas Linkevičius, who is leaving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is much more appreciated. He is still in the top five of the most favored politicians. Since 2012 L. Linkevičius, who led Lithuanian diplomacy, has received a positive rating of 48 percent. respondents, 39 percent. argues otherwise. It is true that the favorable rating of L. Linkevičius has decreased by 5 percentage points over the last month.

Regarding the positive changes in the favorable evaluation, the favorable evaluation of President Valdas Adamkus also increased by 3 percentage points during the month. V. Adamkus, who has led the country for two terms, is currently the best valued among all the personalities included in the rating (83% of the population is in favor and 10% says the opposite).

The assessment of the interim Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga also jumped by 3 percentage points (30% evaluate it favorably and 64% evaluate it unfavorably). However, the “peasant” who has headed the Ministry of Health for four years is extremely unfavorable to the public. Only two politicians have a lower rating than A. Veryga: Professor Vytautas Landsbergis (27% in favor and 64% against) and Valdemaras Tomaševskis (MEP) (12% and 72%, respectively). The latter’s favorable rating fell 3 percentage points during the month.

The biggest losses fall on LSDP leader G. Paluckas

Gintautas Paluckas, chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, suffers the biggest losses. Compared to the October poll, its favorable assessment fell 9 percentage points in November. G. Paluckas, who joined Seimas, was rated positively 33% in November. respondents and 50 percent. he spoke to the contrary.

The favorable evaluation of the mayor of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis, who rarely appears in public space, was also lowered by 5 percentage points.

At present, the holder of the Provisional Capital receives 45%. respondents and 37 percent. argues otherwise.

According to Baltic Research, the valuations of other politicians and public leaders have not changed in the last month or the changes have been minimal.

The leaders of the most favored personalities

According to the November polls, Lithuanians have the most favorable opinion of the presidents. At the top of the leaderboard, outgoing President V. Adamkus remains established. In second place is the current head of the country, Gitanas Nausėda (78% in favor and 16% against).

In third place is Dalia Grybauskaitė, who has led the state for two terms (62% in favor and 32% against).

List of less favored politicians

In November, 8 politicians rated the country the most unfavorable (more than half of those surveyed rated it unfavorably).

V. Tomaševskis is second to none in this regard. It sits at the bottom of the leaderboard. Also among the most unfavorable are Professor V. Landsbergis, A. Veryga, the “peasant” leader Ramūnas Karbauskis (64% evaluate unfavorably and 30% favorable), G. Landsbergis, leader of the Labor Party Viktoras Uspaskich (55% unfavorably and 3. 4%). The Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius (unfavorably 54% and 34% favorably) and former Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius (53% favorably and 31% favorably).

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