Real estate boom in Palanga: millions of apartments are being swept, buyers move businesses to the resort


Not only individual houses are being built, but also their entire rooms and high-rise apartment buildings, where the apartments are swept with a broom. In high-demand facilities, homes and even single-family homes are booked before construction begins. Builders are in a rush to complete the work in the spring, when an army of not only tourists but also settlers will flock to the complex.

Apartments “Šluoja” in undeveloped houses

One such project is a block of 23 individual houses between Vytauto Street and Klaipėda Highway. According to the real estate broker Ieva Lukaitytė, in these from 65 to 80 square meters M. meter. area of ​​the house it will be possible not only to rest during the holidays, but also to live permanently. Although the plot is not remotely reminiscent of a construction site at the moment, there are heated negotiations over the buildings that will soon emerge on it.

“We are not announcing anywhere yet, because construction will start only in 2021. in February, but we are already offering to clients and making reservations. We started reservations only three weeks ago and we already have 5 houses reserved”, Delphi I. Lukaitytė said.

According to the broker, this is not the only project sued in Palanga.

“One of those projects is located on Vėžių street, away from the tourist center and the sea. Although people tend to look as close as possible to the sea and the dunes, many have been attracted to these houses for their attractive prices.

I redeemed everything as soon as we announced the reservations, although the house will only be built in 2021. in the spring. We obtained the same result after implementing the project in Kunigiškės. Of the 16 apartments, only two remained. We sold everything during the months that were still under construction and installation. The apartments in the two apartment buildings on Vanagupės street in Palanga were simply “swept away” this summer, II named Lukaitytė.

Apartment sales are growing

Palanga is one of the few municipalities in the country where apartment sales have increased this year compared to last year. Delphi said Mindaugas Samkus, representative of the Center for State Business Records.

“During the eleven months of this year, 641 apartments were sold in the municipality of Palanga. 2019 from January to November, 509 apartments were sold in the municipality of Palanga. So we see that the change is obvious, the annual growth reaches 25 percent ”, informed the representative of the Registry Center.

There are many reasons for the growing demand for real estate in Palanga and its settlements. Its few.

Of course, the main one: the desire to have a vacation home, he noted. Delphi talk to real estate brokers. The second reason is the possibility of isolation in beautiful surroundings during a pandemic. The third reason is real estate investment.

However, real estate specialists see more reasons for the increase in sales in Palanga. One of them, the coincidence that in 2020. Several projects were implemented, which the buyers carried out a year or earlier.

This is the position of the runner Ieva Kaštaunaitė.

“If there were more sales in October, there were many finite objects here. Because many objects in Palanga were reserved a year ago, and now they have construction permits, so purchase and sale agreements have been signed. Or reserved in summer and legalized the deal in October. If there was a higher rate in October, that doesn’t mean that customers drove and bought that month. Some bought it in the summer and maybe booked it a year ago, “considered I. Kaštaunaitė.

According to her, many objects have been built for years. A year later, the delivery process took place. This was followed by the formation of transactions. However, those customers did not necessarily go through quarantine. They could have arrived before the quarantine, I. Kaštaunaitė is convinced.

In notaries – congestion

Real estate broker Ignas Tiškus held a similar view. He explained that in the spring people did not buy real estate not because they were worried about the future, but because the quarantine office was not working due to the quarantine.

“When the quarantine was introduced in the spring, people were stressed because notaries were not working. Therefore, I would not agree with those who say that at the beginning of the quarantine people did not buy because they were afraid. He did not buy because the notaries could not work because they must identify the person. However, it cannot be said that there were no transactions.

Because only after the quarantine was lifted and the notaries began to work, did the bubble burst. If a notary generally has several dozen transactions a day, then several hundred of them have accumulated during the quarantine. Therefore, those who wanted to visit a notary had to do so a few weeks in advance “, I. Tiškus points out the reason for the real estate boom in Palanga.

He is convinced that Lithuanians appreciated the Palanga spa last summer, because he had not been there for many years.

“People were on vacation in Nice, Spain, etc. Therefore, they decided not to invest money abroad, but in Lithuania. Because it is not clear when it is over. Also, I realized that it could be the case that I would not go anywhere and could not control that property (abroad). On the other hand, Lithuanians love to invest in real estate ”, said the broker about the advantages of Palanga.

Buy everything, both plots and apartments

Currently, all real estate objects are in demand in Palanga. And lots, and individual houses, and apartments, and flats.

I. Kaštaunaitė said that the choice is determined solely by the income of the buyers.

“The whole market is popular. It doesn’t matter what people’s income is. Some mistakenly imagine that buying land could save. Do I have a different opinion? But land is still being bought in Palanga. Apartments are bought by those who don’t want to build. and they have a certain amount of X.

Whoever has a larger amount buys a house. Buy apartments, also buy holiday homes divided into apartments. Those items are different and you buy them all. One of those objects is Elijah. We sold apartments in the five houses there for four years. All are sold and gradually formed, ”said the broker.

In its mentioned object, only one M. Department of area meters.

The most expensive are bought by Lithuanians

It is interesting that not only medium-sized family dwellings, but also expensive objects are popular in Palanga. Furthermore, the myth that only foreigners can buy expensive homes in the complex has long been dispelled. According to I. Kaštaunaitė, most of the buyers are Lithuanian.

“Luxury housing has its buyers. And they are mostly Lithuanians. The myth that such property is bought by foreigners, Russians, has been formed for a long time. For some time, those foreigners, Russians, have not. been. One of the segments is immigrants. Another is mixed families, where the husband is foreigner and the other spouse is Lithuanian, or vice versa, who has feelings towards Lithuania. However, there are not many of them and they are certainly not the major players in this market, “said I. Kaštaunaitė.

According to her, life in Palanga has a “romantic” tone, which is why many clients dream of moving to Palanga.

“A large part of the market is made up of people who buy a house in Palanga for permanent residence. Or a second, but suitable for permanent residence, housing, where you spend half of your time. Because we are mobile and our work does not force us to sit in offices, that is why we look for a home in a resort where we can spend half the time and the other half in the big city, or not necessarily in the big city. I really know those who live in Palanga for a month, in another city for a month and go abroad the next month. Therefore, the house in Palanga does not necessarily become a weekend or holiday home, ”said I. Kaštaunaitė.

Live in Palanga for half a year

This year, one of the most luxurious objects was sold, the Egl near apartment near the Botanical Park. Although the prices here were higher than average, there were no vacancies.

I. Tiškus pointed out that this object is not the only one. This year, many expensive properties in Palanga acquired new owners.

“Palanga was successfully sold in the spring, as developers are trying to complete their projects at a time when people can rest or rent and get their money back. However, there were also offers of expensive” stuff “and very long sale. They cost 500,000 euros, a million, a half, even three million and have been sold for two, three years. They were sold. Not a single apartment was sold, which cost more than a million.

Usually people buy such expensive objects for recreation. They are already in order with their business and come to Palanga in the spring-early summer, and they leave in the middle of autumn. They move their businesses here, work and rest in Palanga, ”said I. Tiškus about the customer segment.

The population is growing

All interviewed real estate brokers confirmed that not only recreational but also residential homes are bought in Palanga.

“Of course there are settlers. They always are. People have already appreciated the benefits of living in a small town. Therefore, today’s demand exceeds supply,” said I. Tiškus.

2020 December 1 According to the data, there were 18,206 permanent residents in Palanga. Last year, on December 1, the complex housed 17,946 people.

It is true that residents of Palanga, Šventoji or Kunigiškės are not excluded from this number. They all receive a name: Palangiškės.

“We cannot distinguish the population of Šventoji and other settlements separately, but overall the population of Palanga is growing,” Delphi confirmed Jurgita Vanagė, advisor to the mayor of the municipality of the city of Palanga.

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