Razmuvienė: COVID-19 smokestacks move to businesses


According to the specialist, currently 30 educational institutions are registered in educational institutions, all have 43 cases of illness, 34 of them are children, two are of preschool age, 6 are involved in education, 3 employees do not have children with an educational process.

“Now there are a total of 561 isolated people. In addition, in a class at the Progymnasium Vilnius Gabija the first case of contagion was registered in an educational institution, here 8 people were infected, 100 students and about 20 teachers were isolated,” said the specialist .

He stressed that Vilnius County continues to lead in terms of new diseases.

“Of these 51 new cases, 45 were symptomatic and 6 asymptomatic. (…) Today there are already more than 30 chimneys and they are associated with companies and organizations ”, said D. Razmuvienė.

Facilitates the procedure

One of the novelties presented by the Minister is on compulsory isolation. Anoy su, if the person has been in contact with the patient, about the fact that mandatory isolation is applied, the person will be able to report by phone, it will not be required to sign a consent.

“There is a condition, only at the moment if the telephone conversation will be recorded. The conditions under which it will be possible to leave the place of isolation have also been adjusted. Those who need to carry out an investigation at a mobile point will no longer need to request it, nor will those who live and work abroad and who want to leave before 14 days request said permission. they will only need to inform the NVSC specialists, ”he said.

Warned about travel

A. Veryga recalled that the indicator, which requires isolation upon arrival from foreign countries, has changed.

According to him, although the situation is more favorable for travelers, the minister proposed not to lose vigilance, to assess the morbidity rate in those countries.

“Later on, you may not have to isolate yourself after you leave, and the situation may be completely different when you return,” he warned.

Jump of new cases

According to the latest data from the National Public Health Center (NVSC), 1,382 samples were analyzed on the last day, of which 51 were positive. This means that currently the total number of Covid-19 cases in Lithuania has reached the limit of 3386.

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Almost half of the new cases were registered in Vilnius county – 24. In Kaunas county 9, 7 – in Šiauliai, 5 – in Panevėžys, 3 – in Telšiai, 2 – in Klaipėda, 1 – in Tauragė, 1 – in Alytus counties.

Imported from Spain, Latvia and Finland

Three import cases have been identified. Two cases have been identified in Vilnius County for people returning from Spain and Latvia. In Kaunas there was another case of importation of a person returning from Finland.

The circumstances of the infection of seven people are unclear.

The circumstances of the infection of four people in Vilnius and one in Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai are not yet clear. The individuals were examined symptomatically or prophylactically. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Sixteen people became infected by interacting with previously infected people.

Nine people were infected in Vilnius county. In Panevėžys County, five such cases have been identified. This is also the case in Kaunas and Tauragė counties.

Half of the cases are related to chimneys

In Kaunas County, a total of five cases were identified for two employees of the Raseiniai Police Commission and three of their relatives. A total of 13 cases have already been identified in this outbreak.

A case has been identified in Klaipėda county for an employee of AB Klaipėdos Energija. 9 cases have already been linked to this company.

Two cases approved in Šiauliai county are related to a sewing company. The cases were identified by employee and by family member of one of the employees. There have already been 39 cases involving this company.

In addition, a case was registered in Šiauliai for an employee of a shopping center. There are already 6 cases associated with this approach, for two employees and four of their relatives.

In Šiauliai and Telšiai counties, three secondary cases were confirmed after contact with a sick person. There are already 5 cases associated with an outbreak involving this person.

In Telšiai county, there are two secondary cases related to the boat trip of company employees in the Klaipėda region. There are already 11 cases related to this trip.

A total of three approved cases in Vilnius and Alytus counties are related to the fireplace in the Vilnius VGTU bedroom.

In addition, two cases were identified related to a family celebration in one of the Vilnius county cafes.

Situation in educational institutions

Vilnius Gabija Progymnasium identified six cases for a class of students. The children have been in isolation since the first case was confirmed to a friend in their class. In total, there are already 8 infected people in this school. Cases were also confirmed for two students who became infected after contact with the family. This is Tauragė, Mažeikiai district. To the student of M. Račkauskas Gymnasium and to the student of Romuva Progymnasium from Šiauliai county. Cases confirmed yesterday in educational institutions are usually associated with previously confirmed cases in a non-educational setting.

The cases were approved for an employee of Klaipėda City Progymnasium, an employee of Vilnius Simonas Stanevičius Progymnasium. In Šiauliai county, a secondary case is related to a sewing company, but the person works at the V. and S. Zubova school.
