Razma: We agreed in the coalition not to launch good opposition initiatives


Such a trend is not gratifying for the First Conservative Deputy of the Seimas, Jurgis Razma, because he is firmly convinced that the number of accepted projects must be reduced and the race must be stopped. “We will wait for maturity and the understanding that sometimes less is better,” said J. Razma, who oversees the preparation of the agendas for the Seimas sessions.

Of the 473 legal acts (without accompaniment) included in the work program of the spring session of the Seimas, 167 projects are presented by the ruling government – the government led by Ingrida Šimonytė and the three Trade Unions of the Homeland – Lithuanian Christian Democrats ( TS -LKD), Liberal Movement and Freedom Faction. In addition, 194 bills are proposed for approval by the opposition and minority groups in this session.

The conservative Jurgis Razma, first vice president of the Seimas, points out that in the first spring session of the Seimas in 2017, the total number of projects presented was similar to 425, but then the rulers presented significantly more – 203 projects than the opposition – 133.

According to J. Razma, the goal should be to reduce the flow of bills that annoy people. In his opinion, it is better to combine small initiatives, modify the laws less frequently, but adopt more consolidated projects.

“When comparing the parliamentary statistics of Lithuania with the parliamentary statistics of other countries with older democracy, it would be obvious that we have an abnormally large number of projects presented by members of the Seimas and factions compared to the projects presented by the Government. I believe, however, that we have not reached the necessary maturity and, apparently, the political groups believe that the more projects they include in the work program, the more significant they will be. I am glad that at least one group of our ruling factions has submitted a sufficiently rational number of projects, ”says J. Razma, First Vice President of Seimas, representing the TS-LKD faction of Seimas.

In his opinion, that race should be stopped by passing and passing laws, although the impression is that the opposition groups are not yet very committed to helping.
“For example, the opposition faction of the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union in the Seimas proposes significantly more projects (84) than four years ago: 25. The number of initiatives of the Peasants, Social Democrats and the Mixed Seimas has increased significantly” says the politician.

J. Razma, the first vice president of the Seimas responsible for the formation of the agendas of the Seimas, says that he does not want to persuade the opposition factions to propose fewer projects, because they decide those issues independently, and their proposals have been democratically included. in the work program. But the former politician would prefer more qualitative than quantitative.
According to J. Razma, it is important that the Seimas function in a friendly and supportive way, because that is what people are waiting for.

“We all understand that the moment is special, people are very tired of pandemic restrictions, communication limitations, the income of people who work in more than one sector has decreased. For this reason, I think it is important for Seimas himself to work in a friendly, supportive way, so that as few people as possible see some anger, struggles, good humor, support, mobilization of the public to endure the few months in which, with luckily, mass vaccination will change. situation and we will be able to do everything more freely ”, says J. Razma.

The rulers promise to be attentive to the opposition

Razma says the rulers promise to pay close attention to opposition initiatives.

“It is our sincere attitude to be attentive to the opposition. In no way will we follow the traditions of the past legislature, when it was imagined that if a good opposition initiative was approved, it would receive political points from the electorate, so those opposition initiatives should be launched so that they are not even presented. We have agreed in the coalition that we will certainly abandon this attitude. If the opposition offers something significant, we will not put it on the agenda without waiting, we will not be afraid to agree, “J. Razma told Eltai.

According to him, it will be possible to see this in the first session of the Seimas, when not only the Speaker of the Seimas and the Prime Minister will speak for the first time, but it will be possible for a representative of each faction to present their proposals.
According to Mr. Razma, the opposition will be able to propose at least one bill in the session of the first day, and this will be a new tradition of our parliamentarism.

“I look forward to that spirit and we will continue that work, because we really do not want the opposition and irritation to spread from the Seimas, when the people are already very tired,” said J. Razma.

The Seimas will decide on the wording of non-Lithuanian surnames, the repeal of the bans on national minorities and alcohol.
Razma says that he is well aware that some bills will certainly generate some tensions and contradictions, but he promises that they will be considered without haste, taking into account also the proposals of the opponents, so there should be no major battles or resistance.

The politician hopes that the Seimas will be able to decide the decriminalization of small amounts of drugs, for which he will be subject to administrative responsibility instead of criminal responsibility.

He hopes that the projects to write personal names on personal documents will move forward, as two dedicated projects have fallen to the Law and Order Committee in the last term.

“The ancient rulers turned their heads like ostriches in the sand and did not solve those problems. I will not decide what the will of the Seimas will be. The governing coalition tends to allow the letters x, w, and q to appear on the main page of documents. By the way, this law will not solve the complete representation of surnames of people of Polish nationality. The project is more aimed at those people who create families with non-Lithuanians, ”said J. Razma.
According to him, the government intends to present a bill on national minorities drawn up by the working group.

“Here we will also not avoid certain discussions, for example, about the percentage of ethnic communities in the municipality so that the resident receives information and services in Polish or Russian. The question is, will we not narrow the space of the state language? “It is not an easy discussion, but I hope that we will calmly seek a solution,” said the politician.

According to Razma, the authorities intend to remove some very illogical restrictions on alcohol control. Eltai said he planned to adjust the hours of alcohol sales on Sundays, lift the ban on allowing the purchase of alcohol only from the age of 20, providing that possibility from adulthood, as well as slightly adjust the ban on the advertising of drinks. alcoholic.

“There will be no radical liberalizations to commercialize alcohol freely and indefinitely at night. I’m just trying to put some things within the framework of common sense, ”he said.
Although an association law is planned for the spring session, Mr. Razma believes that it should not necessarily be approved in the spring session, all the more so since there is an alternative proposal to legitimize coexistence.

The Seimas does not plan to ratify the Istanbul Convention in the spring session, so J. Razma hopes that the passions aroused in the public space will diminish.

According to him, the government intends to introduce amendments to the law on domestic violence, which will allow even better protection of women’s rights, protection against violence on the basis of existing law and does not require a convention.

In his opinion, perhaps the most significant topic of the session will be the adjustment of this year’s national budget law, since it will allocate funds from the ADN investment plan and European subsidies for the recovery and modernization of our economy.

J. Razma points out that the Seimas intends to adjust the procedure to prescribe the cheapest drug approved by the previous Seimas. As far as he knows, the Health Committee has drafted amendments to the Pharmacy Law that would allow people to choose a drug on the recommendation of a doctor so that people are not “raped” with the cheapest drug.

The Seimas will decide on the appointment of the Chancellor of the Seimas, the CC Judge and the Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities

During the spring session, the Seimas will also decide on the appointment of staff. According to J. Razma, in one of the first sessions, the president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen intends to appoint the Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities.

The president of the Seimas has promised to present a candidate for the vacant post of chancellor of the Seimas in March. The Seimas will also decide on the candidacy of Vytautas Mizaras for the position of judge of the Constitutional Court (CC), will appoint new members of the LRT commission.

J. Razma does not believe that the chairman of the Seimas Human Rights Committee, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, should be shaken, although it is announced that the signatures of citizens demanding his resignation have been collected, but an even larger list of people seeking him Otherwise A workaround has been provided.

“Theoretically, there are two possibilities to initiate the removal of the chairman of the commission: either a vote can be proposed in the commission itself or a vote of no confidence can be expressed in the Seimas by a relevant resolution. We cannot answer whether the opposition will try to take this from populist way, but I think there is no reason to distrust the question from the chairman of the Human Rights Committee, because he is working quite objectively and constructively. As a member of the Seimas, you can show exceptional care to your community, but these are other things and as chairman of the committee, I think he pays attention to all aspects of human rights in a balanced way. Nobody can make objective and substantiated accusations against him. If there are initiatives to rebuild it, I think they will be rejected.

Statistics on bills presented to the spring session

Governors – (Government and three factions) propose 167 projects, opposition and minority factions – 194. At least – 6 projects are presented by the President of the Republic Gitanas Nausėda, Government – led by Ingrida Šimonytė – 113.

Most of the 84 bills are submitted by the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union faction, the Seimas Mixed group – 43, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party faction – 36, the Labor Party faction – 31, the Freedom Faction and the Liberal Movement faction – 22 projects each, the TS-LKD faction – 10

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