Raskevičius’s proposal was emphasized: we are the Seimas, not a kindergarten


On Tuesday, the politician presented the Seimas with amendments to the statute, which plan to allow the committee to consider and present proposals on the formation of the state policy on human rights and freedoms, and to expand its powers.

After the presentation, the politicians did not approve of this project. 46 members of the Seimas voted in favor of the proposal, 36, 32 deputies abstained. The project was returned for improvement.

The lines of business have not changed for more than 20 years.

TV Raskevičius noted that the activities of the Human Rights Committee were established in 1999, so it is necessary to define the activities of the committee with greater precision and detail. According to him, the proposed amendments would define the areas in which the committee actually operates.

“I personally, as the committee chair, and the committee members hope that the more precise definition of the areas of committee activities in the bill corresponds to the actual committee activities and the nature of the issues under discussion.

And this is likely to lead to greater public confidence in the committee’s activities, the productivity of the committee’s activities, and more effective protection of human rights and freedoms, “said TV Raskevičius from the Seimas rostrum.

Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius and Aušrinė Armonaitė

Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė, a worker, asked what the committee would examine in the areas of children’s rights and private family life.

“Taking into account that there is a lot of opposition in society about the coexistence of people of the same sex, about the couple, about their previous initiatives, we want to clear any doubt that we are trying to move only in one direction, in one traffic,” he said I. Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė.

Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė

TV Raskevičius stated that the issues of children’s rights, private and family life are examined in the committee through the prism of guaranteeing human rights and freedoms.

He criticized the shoddy projects of the Freedom Party.

Conservatives Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė questioned whether the committee did not intend to cover too many areas under its wing.

“Don’t you think that taking everything into your delicate young hands will just lower the quality of the legislation?” Asked the conservative.

Politics urged not to support the project, which he believed was of poor quality.

Conservative Jurgis Razma lamented that colleagues did not look at the content of the proposals, but instead attacked a specific personality. The politician asked for support for the TV project Raskevičius. This support from a colleague for the TV project Raskevičius was criticized by V. Aleknaitė-Abramikienė.

“I don’t like that the Freedom Party keeps giving, throwing some ideas like a rabbit out of a focuser’s hat, which then turns out to be completely inappropriate. It happens to each of us to prepare something of poor quality. But when it becomes a system, so concerned with the young partner, allowing him to work completely uncritical, forgive him, there are no personalities here.

We are the Seimas, not a kindergarten. If there is a low-quality law being drafted, even by the Legal Department, let’s not be ridiculous. May the respected Raskevičius come up with a well prepared legal act, ”said V. Aleknaitė-Abramikienė.

2020-2024 Seimas member certificate delivery

TV Raskevičius seeks a clearer definition of the committee’s powers. Within the framework of the draft policy, the committee would draft and consider laws, other laws and proposals in the areas of personal life, freedom and dignity, civil and political rights, the rights of the child, gender equality, rights of persons with disabilities, national minorities and others.

In addition, it is proposed to provide that the Human Rights Committee, if necessary, prepare a draft resolution of censorship of the Seimas ombudsman and other officials appointed by Seimas to guarantee the protection of human rights and freedoms and present it to the Seimas . For consideration.

It is also desirable that the Human Rights Committee exercise parliamentary control over the institutions dealing with human rights and freedoms other than the judiciary.
