Rasa, wife of the millionaire suspected of fraud Rasa: great fortunes attract jealousy


The woman claims that great wealth not only guarantees a good life, but also attracts jealousy.

“It just came to our knowledge then. But I always say: raise your butts and go to work. We all have the same hands, the same heads, they are things made by fate,” says the woman from the program, who has experimented with her fur what it means to be the target of those who want to get angry.Some fights, he said, even moved to court.

Rasa was given another dose of poison when she gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40 last summer: And why can’t we, if the health is good, if the health of a man is good, why can’t we accept the gift of God? “

Rimandas Stonys and Rasa Stonienė in 2007 / Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas

Rimandas Stonys and Rasa Stonienė in 2007 / Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas

Although married to one of the richest people in Lithuania, Rasa could be just a lady and a housewife, the woman claims that she takes care of the 800-square-meter house completely alone, raises two more children, has her own business and says she does not need helpers. Although Stonius will soon be 16, Rasa says: “I still admire my husband. This is a maintained man. I’m proud of him, I admire him. “

LNK show “KK2 Friday”: this Friday at 7.30 pm. by LNK.

Rasa Stonienė /

Rasa Stonienė / “KK2 Friday” stop shot

Suspicions of large-scale fraud

The BNS news agency recalls that the implementation of the law on March 3. reported a pre-trial investigation into large-scale VAT fraud and fraudulent accounting, which involved the arrest of five people, including energy businessman Rimandas Stonys. He is the only suspect whose arrest the prosecution is not seeking.

R.Stonys is the owner of Kaunas Cogeneration Power Plant (KHPP), previously controlled the Dujotekana company, was one of the largest gas importers of the Russian company Gazprom in Lithuania.

According to data from TOP magazine, the value of R. Stonis’ property in 2019 reached 70 million. euros.

According to the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT), in a few months this organized group of accomplices could have avoided around 1.1 million people using the diesel and oil purchase and sale scheme. VAT and special taxes.

Law enforcement officials consider Mindaugas Žalimas to be the main organizer of criminal activities thirteen times before for various financial convictions.

“By accepting the accusations, the court declared already in 2011 that the commission of similar crimes has become an inseparable way of life and sustenance for the suspect M. Žalimas. Currently, the FNTT is carrying out three more preliminary investigations for serious crimes against public finances involving this person, and several more cases are pending in the courts, ”the FNTT previously announced.
