Rasa quit her job as a photographer: stunning photos of children and a world award | Life


Won major photographer awards

TIFA is the international photographers award held in Tokyo, which was Rasa’s biggest dream. There, photographers from any corner of the world can be awarded, and winning gives them the opportunity to represent their photographs in exhibitions in various major cities around the world. Therefore, R.Ražanienė is not hiding; Due to this achievement, he had to work hard for 10 years.

“I am the type of person who pursues my goals, and if I do something, I want to achieve my best, then I feel satisfaction and the incentive to stick with it,” admits Rasa. – I photographed all the time for my pleasure, the way I felt, what I saw and I did not have a specific goal to necessarily win this competition, I did not work only for that. However, the appreciation and recognition of the works, I will not hide, caused a great euphoria ”.

Personal album photo album / Rasa Ražanienė

Personal album photo album / Rasa Ražanienė

The photographer does not hide her joy, knowing that her photos will hang in one of the most famous galleries along with other works by great photographers. The category in which R. Ražanienė became the winner is called “People – Children”, and Rasa herself says that this is her strong area.

“A series of eight photographs entitled ‘Children of the old manor houses’ shows portraits of children. I am very fascinated by the contrast between young life and old buildings, mansions that are no longer in use and are disappearing,” explains the photographer. “Of course, I used all my photography skills together, I used natural light and it helped me create portraits.”

Such an award will open several doors to Rasa. As she herself says, many amateur and professional photographers will visit the galleries where the photos will be exhibited. In this way, people will not only get acquainted with R. Ražanienė’s photographs, but also learn more about Lithuania.

“It will be possible to go to exhibitions, meet people, expand your circle of acquaintances, introduce yourself not only to yourself, but also to Lithuania. Such an evaluation will open the conscience both to me and to our country. It is good that the name of Lithuania is mentioned in such galleries. And together I will be able to tell others how many good photographers we have ”, says Rasa happily.

Such an evaluation will open awareness for both myself and our country.

The photographer does not hide the fact that she learned a lot of emotions when she found out that she had won the award. At the time, he was insanely happy and saw the victory as a great achievement.

“I felt adrenaline, euphoria, joy, there were also tears, screams… I don’t know if a person who has received such an appreciation could want more. For me it is something I go“,” Rasa admits.

How Retail Has Changed Photography

R.Ražanienė’s award becomes even more special when it turns out that Rasa became a photographer only 10 years ago. After asking adults for advice on how to have a serious profession, he worked in retail for some time and then became a manager.

“Every year since first grade, I have been writing an essay about what I want to grow up with and I have always said that I will be a kindergarten teacher. My mom kept saying it was prestigious nefaina and certainly not the profession that I will be able to survive in the future. He was a good boy and I asked, ”says Rasa. – But working in retail one day I realized that my heart is not here and I cannot live like this. I decided to rest, take a vacation, and then decide what to do next. “

Photo by Rasa Ražanienė / Photo from the series

Photo by Rasa Ražanienė / Photo from the series “Children of Old Manors”

During the holidays, R. Ražanienė took the camera in his hands and felt that he likes to capture moments, this is what he was looking for and wanted to do for a long time. Rasa had to learn the secrets of photography from scratch, so she admits that it took her time to become a professional.

“Hobbies are hobbies and to work with quality it is necessary to have a lot of knowledge. When I picked up the camera the first day, I read the instructions and everything looked like a green forest. So I started studying at the British Institute of Professional Photography, remembers Rasa. – It was a challenge for me when I thought, why can’t I if others can? I knew I wanted to learn, I can, and I will. Stubbornness has led me to that. “

The photographer is happy that the new job has allowed her to make her old dream of being with children come true. Rasa admits that she adores children, so even after trying to take photoshoots with adults, she realized that horse are the little ones.

“I only photograph things that relate to children. I once tried to help a colleague during a wedding and realized that it really wasn’t for me. Yes, the money is bigger, but I did not like it at all. I remember that the bride goes to church and I only see the fingers of the flower girl … I try to focus on the young man and the eyes still do not let go of the girl. Then I realized that my heart goes out to the children, ”says R. Ražanienė.

I try to focus on the young man and the eyes still don’t let go of the girl. Then I realized that my heart goes out to the children.

According to Rasa, she is most fascinated by his sincerity and openness in children. Although there are cases where children claim that they do not want to be photographed, R.Ražanienė has his own ways of befriending them and eventually taking multiple photos.

“If they say they are not going to take photos, we are together, making friends, playing games, soaking our feet in the fountain, talking and for that, accidentally, there are photo sessions. Sometimes I say, we are going to do a photoshoot. What fascinates me the most is the different communication with them, and then the portraits come out very natural. It’s different with adults, “says the photographer.

Photo by Rasa Ražanienė / Photo from the series

Photo by Rasa Ražanienė / Photo from the series “Children of Old Manors”

Rasa says it’s harder to stand out with kids after those photo shoots. She enjoys interacting with them, listening carefully to the stories, and seeing how their stories from everyday life are sometimes replaced by various fantasies and thoughts that children travel far and wide.

“After the photo sessions, they hug each other and ask them not to leave, to stay. Or run after him and yell, “Rasa, wait, I’ll give you more cookies!” For me, buy it all over again, I do kaifuoju. And his eyes … Children shine, rejoice, run. I recharge my energy. That’s probably why it’s so good for me, “smiles R. Ražanienė.

Photography is not a job, but a lifestyle.

The Rasai award won in Tokyo is not the first. Having started photographing a decade ago, he has always competed in various contests to see how much his photographs are worth. One of the first competitions won was in 2011 in Lithuania, after which she felt a bit bolder and more confident.

“At first I was uncomfortable sending my own photos, showing myself, but over time I saw that I could do it and I was doing well. Little by little, I traveled more and more boldly to the widest waters, and in various exhibitions my works appeared as winners. This is how I finally decided to test myself in Tokyo, when I thought it was time to see how strong professionals value my work, ”recalls R.Ražanienė.

Photo by Rasa Ražanienė / Photo from the series

Photo by Rasa Ražanienė / Photo from the series “Children of Old Manors”

Rasa admits that the hardest part was figuring out his filming style. According to her, there are many talented photographers in Lithuania and although they feel no competition, it was necessary to discover the subject that I like the most.

“We need to find the best way to show ourselves. The most important thing is to do what you like, when you feel better, and people feel the energy you transmit and choose what they like, says R.Ražanienė. “Lithuania has a lot of good and famous photographers, but we all meet and there is enough space in the sun for everyone.”

The most important thing is to do what you like when you feel better, and people feel the energy that you are transmitting and choose what they like.

The photographer does not hide the fact that her work provides her with immense pleasure and spiritual penance. His tower even improvisation is constantly accompanied, since it is not possible to precisely plan photo sessions with children. However, Rasa enjoys every moment captured and feels that it is not her job but her lifestyle. Therefore, it is not hidden; In the future, he only intends to get up higher and higher.

“I remember that at the beginning I was inspired by movies, books, I put visions, and when I came to do a photo session, there was nothing left of the plans. Children are children and they will not tell you where to stand, what to do. Then I realized that there is no need to plan anything and when an idea comes up, I turn to the families and invite them to play a photo session, – explains R.Ražanienė.

– I feel great right now and I don’t really have to wait long for Monday and then suffer until Friday. I go home and go to sleep with a smile, even though I’m insanely tired. I feel very good about what I do. “
