Rankings Magazine: Everyone who passed the math test passed only 17 schools


This year of 15 thousand. about a third of the graduates did not pass the exam; data available in the magazine shows that all who passed it passed in 17 of the 332 gyms whose students chose this exam. Most of those who did not survive were in Vilnius, as well as prestigious gyms.

Even 70 graduates did not pass the “Žemynas” gymnasium in Vilnius

“In absolute numbers, the majority, up to 70 graduates, did not pass the state mathematics maturity exam at the Vilnius ‘Žemynas’ gymnasium. This gymnasium was headed by Rūta Krasauskienė until the spring of this year, who won the contest to become in the director of the National Education Agency (NSA) in April ”, announce the compilers of the magazine.

They note that this year it was not possible to obtain the average of the results of the state maturity tests for 2020 by the NSA, so they did not perform the traditional rankings of schools and gyms, but only evaluated about 100 institutions whose graduates They pass exams better.

Luke April / 15min photo / Graduates took the math maturity test

Luke April / 15min photo / Graduates took the math maturity test

When evaluating the mathematics exam, about three-quarters of the graduates failed it in the “Laisvės” and Telšiai “Džiugas” gyms of Vilnius, about two-thirds – in the Lithuanian houses of Panevėžys “Minties” and Vilnius, somewhat more 60%. There were also those who did not pass in the gyms Ignalina, Šiauliai S.Šalkauskis, Kelmė J.Graičiūnas.

According to the organizers of the “Ratings”, the average results of those who passed mathematics in some gyms in the country reached only a few points.

According to the ratings, the graduates of KTU Gymnasium, Vilnius and Klaipėda Lyceums, Sostinė Jesuitai and M.Biržiška Gymnasium were the best in the math exam.

According to the results of the Lithuanian language test, the Ukmergė Želva district, Vilnius Žirmūnai, the Kaunas Jesuit and LSMU gymnasium and the Klaipėda high schools are leaders.

Some of these schools also lead other exams.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / Photo of 15min / Mathematics Exam

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / Photo of 15min / Mathematics Exam

According to Jonė Kučinskaitė, a journalist for the magazine “Reitingai”, the indicators of this exam are also poor in traditionally prestigious educational institutions. According to her, this could have happened for a number of reasons.

“Although we have been talking for 12 years about the competence to learn to learn, we see that in 12 years students have not learned to learn even without a living teacher, they cannot learn alone without a mentor. This is a component. The second component is that we have also seen gaps in the 2011 general education curricula, which were launched without any kind of pilot testing, that is, students who graduated from gyms in 2020 were beginners in 2011 and started learning. of the new curricula, which very quickly started, ”he said at a press conference.

The journal authors also do not rule out the impact of distance learning introduced by the quarantine on low achievement, they fear that this year’s twelfth graders and children from socially sensitive families may be particularly affected by continuous distance learning.

“If that teaching continues, we should think about how to make it more engaging so that students can learn those things remotely. We especially regret the math, “said J. Kučinskaitė.

Gintaras Sarafinas, editor of “Rankai” magazine, emphasizes that a half-year study carried out by researchers from Vilnius University in various regions of the country showed that some children no longer participated in lessons after the introduction of distance learning.

“The surveys revealed that there were more than one and not ten children who had joined two, three or four lessons in three months. These children are completely out of the reach of education, yes, their backwardness will increase. There is another problem, in some schools the teachers, especially the older generation, decided: here I am not going to learn more technology, I already have enough (…), they took those twelfth grade children right down, “said Sarafin.

According to him, this year’s teachers also noticed the decline in students’ motivation to study more in schools.

Sarafin also says that poor math test scores can be a positive impact and additional motivation to prepare for some of today’s twelfth graders.

VU, KTU leads the ranking of universities

In the traditionally compiled ranking of universities, which assesses the employment of alumni, the opinion of employers, as well as the score of newcomers and the results of examinations and other criteria, Vilnius University continues to lead, better rated in 30 addresses.

Next on the list are Kaunas University of Technology (11 addresses), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (9 addresses), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (leading in 8 addresses), Vytautas Magnus University (7 addresses ). Also in the ranking are the Vilnius Academy of Arts (four main fields), the ISM University of Management and Economics, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater and the University of Klaipeda (three main fields of study each), the Lithuanian Military Academy and the Lithuanian Sports University (one address each).

Vilnius College leads the ranking of colleges according to the same criteria (18 addresses), as well as Kaunas and Kaunas Technical Colleges (13 and 4 addresses, respectively), Vilnius School of Technology and Design and Lithuania Maritime School and Klaipeda State College (two addresses each one). Vilnius College of Design, Vilnius College of Business, and Kaunas College of Forest and Environmental Engineering are leaders in the first field of professional undergraduate studies evaluated.
