Ramūnas Karbauskis: Madness for the reform of the bathroom of the Seimas, COVID-19 and the affairs of V. Landsbergis


Now, with the closure of companies and people due to liberal-conservative decisions, one of the most urgent issues for the delegate president of the Human Rights Committee of the Liberal Party is the reform of the Seimas bathrooms.

TVRaskevičius, a professional homosexual elected to the Seimas, proposes to abolish the men’s and women’s toilets in the Seimas, and this reform of the Seimas toilets begins to protect the idea of ​​denying the gender identity of a man – a man and a woman .

For this toilet reform, on Lithuania’s “substantial” and “most important” agenda in the Seimas, the society is supported by another “most important” work in Lithuania: a resolution that traditionally tries to make Landsbergis a leader. Lithuanian with all his privileges, although he was never elected president.

It is forgotten that the Constitutional Court has stated clearly and unequivocally that “according to the Constitution, the legislator is not authorized to establish such legal regulation that denies the individual legal status of the President of the Republic different from the rest of state officials and creates legal preconditions to equate any other person with the president, the head of state ”.

I have no doubt that such a decision by the rulers on January 13, which is important to all of us, will sink not only into the conservative sea of ​​privatized forgetfulness, but also into attempts to realize Landsberg’s dream and elevate the conservatives’ self-esteem above all, privatizing the concept of patriotic men and women entrenched in the palace, surrounding with their hands and hearts the most important objects of the state, commemorating and thanking them without dividing them by political points of view.

The simulation of work at the Seimas, or whatever it is called, is also shown in the fact that during the extended session of the Seimas during the extended session and the meeting with a desperately empty agenda, some ministers shamefully forget to come and present their registered ministries, turning this Tuesday’s session into complete chaos.

For unclear reasons, the issue of the appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court was removed from the agenda of this week’s Seimas sessions, although the importance of appointing them has just been explained.

And the major bills that prompted governors to extend the fall session have been scrapped entirely. For unclear reasons, the issue of the appointment of the judges of the Constitutional Court was removed from the agenda of the Seimas sessions this week, although the importance of appointing them has just been explained.

Just two months ago, the opposition of that time, which became the ruler, had us on the cross for not being named. Now that they have become rulers, they are not even able to coherently explain why the appointment of judges is constantly being postponed. Then, thanks to the efforts of our group, the topic is not being put back on the agenda anyway, but without further explanation, and what happened was that it had to be removed.

Is the Dust 130-step plan to combat the pandemic such confusion, since the promised 130-step plan has yet to be announced, even at the behest of the president? People lose jobs and businesses that have been around for years. When some close, others successfully market the same products in large supermarkets.

Is Dust’s 130-step plan to combat the pandemic such confusion, since the promised 130-step plan has yet to be announced, even at the behest of the president?

As this appears on the agendas of government meetings, the business subsidy plan disappears, and the question arises as to whether this government is empowered to take over the suffocating businesses due to the applicable prohibitions.

For example, the coordination of the Government Resolution “On Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Allocation and Use of Funds of the Measure“ Subsidies to Companies ”of the Plan of Measures for Economic Promotion and Mitigation of Coronavirus (COVID-19 ). restriction.

And although the coordination did not end so much on January 4, 2021, the government does not find time to adopt the resolution until now: the resolution has been removed from the agenda this week. Businesses will be waiting for others, as subsidies are again promised to be “soon.” The restroom renovation or title split at the Seimas can’t wait, it’s happening today.

Ramūnas Karbauskis is the president of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants (LVŽS).
