Radavičiai, who raises horses, no longer looks for Vilnius: “Unless someone forks their forks”


After meeting Radavičiai on a rainy day, we do not go to the house, but to the meadows, where the beauties graze with their pets.

It is true that they still need to be called from the pastures, but following the magician, they come and initially inspect the newcomers with suspicion.

However, a handful of carrots, first from the hosts and then from the hands of the guests, helps to find a common language.

The cabin turned home

“Horse Oasis”, according to Ramunė Radavičienė, was so called because at first the horses grazed near the house, the owners could see them through the windows.

The farm is located in the village of Kačergai, old age of Inturkė.

Like the entire Molėtai district, this place has a beautiful landscape.

We lived in Vilnius, we only had a summer house here, we came in summer. Then the children were born, so we spent summers with them here.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We lived in Vilnius, we only had a summer house here, we only came to stay in the summer. Then the children were born, so we spent the summers with them here. And you know, you come with all the things. for the summer, it is difficult to leave in the fall.

And we decided to stay here, not drive. For children, fresh air, a private patio, a touch of nature for people completely different from those in the city. That’s how we arrived, we stayed here, ”Ramunė said.

The horses in her life have been since she was little: “All my childhood has been with horses, I grew up among horses. Of course, everything has changed now: modern, more modern than it was when I was little. When I was a kid, I wanted to sit up and run. Now look at the horse completely differently. Of course, horses have always been friends first. Back after school and on horseback. And we get rumors from our parents that we don’t care about lessons, but about other things. “

Ramuna does not hide the fact that after moving to live in the village, the desire to touch the horse again only intensified.

A surprise for your birthday

“The man made a big surprise, on the occasion of the anniversary he took it and gave it away. This is how the first horse appeared. Then we came up with the idea that he was sad because the horse needs a long time and be with him or needs a friend. We decided we needed a friend because our children were small, there was not much time. This is how a pony came to us “, – this was the beginning of the now adult horse.

R. Radavičienė talks about the appearance of a pony in his oasis with a laugh, although it was not so funny then:

“We found a pony, we took it to the Šilalė district. The following happened while driving: the car dashboard always showed that there was half the fuel left in the tank. We are driving safely, but we have run out of fuel on the road. Such was the adventure. The speaker is far away, since intentionally no one stops to stop. A long-distance driver helped him, led him to the column, and then brought him back.

Julius Kalinskas / 15-minute photo / Ramunė and Šarūnas Radavičius

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Ramunė and Šarūnas Radavičius “Horse Oasis”

I was left alone with the pony. And there was such a story when a girl with a car was detained and then kidnapped, murdered. Then I sit down, the car comes, stops and looks, and I sit there alone. It was awkward that way, it was already a topic. But it all ended happily, we went home and brought a friend. “

According to Ramune, the first horse to receive a mate also changed significantly; Before that he loved freedom and was wilder, he started demanding people’s attention because he was jealous of what was shown to the pony.

“While we were riding, we came up with the idea, since we have very beautiful places here, along the White Lakajs, all the Labanoras, why not show it to others? It is while driving, because with cars, the bikes, everything is just as clear, we decided that maybe it could all be shown from a horse.

We came up with the idea to ride a horse, because we have very nice places here, why not show it to others? It is while driving.

But we look more at the needs of horses than of people. We try to get them to rest more. When you start to breed horses, take an interest in them, don’t want to disturb them. They also want them to live here for their own pleasure, ”Ramune said openly.

Led by mares

Then Šarūnas comes to us with a full platoon of four breeds of horses.

“Mares are litters. Although stallions are read, because there are no stallions in our country, it is run by mares, ”says Šarūnas.

As I reach out the palm of my hand with the carrot, I notice a horse cautiously walking away because I hold my hand too low.

Ramunė says they are watching: if I touch the wire of the electric shepherd, I will not feel it myself, but the horse will feel it while taking the delicacy from my hand.

So try to make sure beforehand that this doesn’t happen.

Julius Kalinskas / 15-minute photo / Ramunė and Šarūnas Radavičius

Julius Kalinskas / 15-minute photo / Ramunė and Šarūnas Radavičius “Horse Oasis”

“They are very careful. If a person is a stranger, then they behave carefully,” says Ramune.

Other horses retreat even if the older mare comes to have fun, says Šarūnas.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I will support him so that he does not escape, because if one starts, so will everyone behind him”, smiles Ramunė.

Each horse has its place in this squad: here Dakar, as Šarūnas says, is a guard, he protects the entire herd.

And here the ladies choose the food and take it to the richest factories, everyone follows them.

“These are their queens and leaders,” adds Ramune.

These are your queens and commanders.

He did not seek Vilnius

Šarūnas is a true city man, as he calls himself: “Until I was 25, I said that Vilnius is everything. Then it gradually changed. Now I’m going to Vilnius to have fun, with business. And you can breathe freely here. Of course, there are friends and family in Vilnius, but I will never live there again. Unless someone hits the pitchforks. “

He still has another job, he travels around Lithuania.

Ramunė pays all his attention to the farm: children, horses.

“And I’m trying to contribute more and more,” says the man, not hiding that in the future it will probably become his main occupation.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Šarūnas Radavičius

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Šarūnas Radavičius

Everyone is invited to ride in this horse oasis.

There are educations, let’s say people come, children who have never seen an animal can pet, comb, feed, even take a walk to go out with a horse.

How to lift and walk a dog. We plant others on horseback and show them around, we take them to the lake, here those who cannot ride alone.

And those who know how to ride, then we ride on a hike, for hours, two, three. We travel where you can’t drive. We find the impression of elk and deer, it is quite different, “said Šarūnas.

Of course there are friends and family in Vilnius, but I will never live there again. Unless someone forks with forks.

Summer camps for children are also organized here: at first they tried to do day camps, this season they will try to spend the night.

As Ramune says, day camps are more for local kids, when parents can come every day to bring their kids.

And those that have overnight stays are already for children from other areas.

All the kids are riding

The horse is from the first 15 minutes – whether you’re riding it or just arriving, analyze a person who has seen how eager to eat a carrot, but reluctantly allows their horse to be petted, says Ramune.

According to her, the friendliness of the horses also depends on the breed.

Radavičiai mentions that if a child starts talking later, it is more difficult for him to put sentences, the horses are very unlocked.

It also helps people with severe disabilities, such as cerebral palsy.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ramunė Radavičienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ramunė Radavičienė

“There was a mother who brought one of those children, you had to see the emotions of those children. The child is confused, he sits down and the horse feels that the child is sitting on him and is still disabled, so he is not afraid, no he reacts so much to the environment. We saw the emotion of that child, how everything separates for him from within, “says Šarūnas with sensitivity.

People want the feeling of being in nature with horses, says Šarūnas.

Let’s say there are children who immediately bravely approach horses, want to pet, stretch the carrot, ride.

Others are scared, they don’t even come close at first, yelling that they won’t eat or carry.

“But when you sow, it is difficult to postpone. Sitting in the chair, he begins to caress, for some reason out of bitterness. Then realize how gentle the horse is. When we go around, we have that circle for the children, we need to be fed, it also reacts in different ways. At first, that lip picking is a FUI for them, but then it’s not bad at all ”, laughs Ramunė and assures that he has not yet agreed to ride a child who has not been able to overcome his fear of accessing a horse. .

However, Radavičiai does not plan to expand his kennel yet.

Every horse needs attention and care, so time is running out.

Therefore, Ramune and Šarūnas say that they prefer to keep everything they have now. That love will be enough for everyone.
