R. Žiogas and his wife returned from the Maldives full of impressions: “It was like the second honeymoon” | Names


Remigijus is open: this trip was not only a dream vacation, it was also reminiscent of a honeymoon.

“The Maldives was my wife’s secret dream that finally came true. This time my wife and I only traveled in pairs. Because in 17 years that we went through just 12 years ago, there were two of us somewhere. For us it was like a second honeymoon. I will not hide, it was a paradise and a true marriage therapy, ”said R. Žiogas.

In a rush to anticipate angry commenters, the man recalled that they and his COVID-19 wife were already sick, so it was safer to travel just for that.

“My wife and I have contracted the coronavirus, but we still meet all the safety requirements. The trip is really safe and the island of Herd, where we rest, is completely isolated from the outside world. So I think it is more likely now that COVID-19 is infected in a supermarket than in a trip, “said the organizer of the event.

Grasshopper spent 10 days on the trip. “We flew from Vilnius to Frankfurt, from there after 2 pm We flew to Malé, the capital of Maldives, for another 9 hours of waiting,” Remigijus shared the details of the trip.

He did not hide the fact that this pleasure came at a low price: the family spent 5,000 euros on the trip.

“The trip was not cheap, but it was definitely worth the emotions we experienced,” said the event manager.

Although his lifestyle was active, on this trip, according to Remigijus, he only wanted to lie under the palm tree, enjoy the colors of the island and the company of his wife.

“Island Herd is only a couple of kilometers in diameter, so we rushed around it in 15 minutes. We didn’t want to travel anywhere from there. To be alone. Feel every moment, see and hear what is around you. I wish you so everyone ”, expressed R. Žiogas.

According to him, traveling is freedom. In addition, traveling reminds us of the beautiful country in which we live and the great opportunities it offers us.

“We Lithuanians are often jealous and angry; here others can and we can’t. But I think we are all blacksmiths of our own destiny and we get what we want. It all depends on us, how we put our thoughts and try get what we want.

I wish all my compatriots those life opportunities, because traveling really frees thinking and broadens the vision of the world. After all, the sun really works in a positive way.

We left when it was 20 degrees cold in Lithuania and arrived at an island where the temperature reached 33 degrees. So, you can say that the temperature difference is up to 50 degrees ”, said Remigijus happy to have managed to gather a lot of good humor and impressions during the trip.
