R. Šimašius and his wife Gilma also took the red carpet


For the first time, Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius and his wife Gilma Teodora Gylyte appeared together in public on the red carpet.

The film “Jump” is a Lithuanian film that has visited the most international film festivals and received awards in recent years, was well attended by foreign audiences and was very well received.

“I would like to say in a few weeks that people in Lithuania with ‘Šuolis’ have finally returned to theaters,” says the film’s director G. Žickytė, who has been looking forward to the national premiere of his film all year.

After creating an intriguing documentary about the Lithuanian sailor Simas Kudirka, whose fate was decided by two American presidents, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, after he dared to jump from a Soviet ship onto an American coast guard ship and seek asylum politician, director G Žickytė says he is waiting for the reaction of Lithuanian viewers.

“The film has been traveling to international festivals for a year now, but before the national premiere I am as excited as if it were the first presentation again. All the more so since the story and the dramatic fate of Simo, who has become a symbol of freedom, is the story of all of us. I hope that all the viewers who come to see the film in Lithuanian cinemas will experience with Simas all that he has had to experience. That his desire for freedom and a crazy step towards it will not only become an adventure drama for young viewers, but will open unpublished pages in the history of our country “, says the director of the film.

Having started making the documentary “Jump” five years ago, G. Žickytė said during the premiere that in the summer of 2014, in a hot July, when he knocked on Simo Kudirka’s door for the first time, to meet and talk, she I couldn’t even imagine what a journey it was for both of us. wait: “Then I couldn’t even dream that we would soon fly to America together, that we would find the same ship that Simas jumped dramatically, that we were going to travel on the most incredible trails in history, that we would get so excited, cry and laugh … AND that Simo’s story, however, and what happened 50 years ago will be so relevant today and will resonate in many parts of the world ”.

Film critics wrote after the film’s release in Europe, Asia, Australia, and America that it is undoubtedly one of this year’s memorable documentaries, with a moving story told in a modern cinematic language relevant today, already that touches on the issue of human rights abuses.

The premiere of the movie “Leap” in Lithuanian cinemas from September 17.

The film was partly financed by the Lithuanian Film Center under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian National Radio and Television, the EU program “Creative Europe – MEDIA”, the National Film Center of France, the Latvian National Film Center and others. The film was produced by the Moonmakers studio (Lithuania), co-produced with VFS Films (Latvia) and Faites un Voeu (France).
