R. Pratasevičius’s lawyer managed to meet him: he examined whether he was healthy


“We managed to reach the defendant today. I have signed [pasižadėjimą neviešinti informacijos], I cannot give you more details, “said the lawyer.

Mr. Alenskaya added that he could not say exactly where he was being detained and what his condition was.

He said R. Pratasevičius was “alive and well.”

“I even made him take off his mask to make sure. He does not complain about his health, he was not in the hospital, ”said I. Alenskaja.

At that time, R. Pratasevičius’s lawyer, Sofia Sapega, who was detained with him, when the plane in which they were flying from Greece to Lithuania forcibly landed in Minsk over the weekend, has not yet visited her defendant.

Alexander Filanovich said on Thursday that “it was not possible to visit Sofia again today due to the lack of offices in the KGB detention center for meetings with lawyers.”

He added that he would try to visit S. Sapega on Friday. On the same day, the court will hear a complaint about the arrest of a girl who is a Russian citizen and is studying in Vilnius.

Belarus’ human rights center Viasna reported that Sapega had been accused of “inciting discord”.

“Political prisoner Sofia Sapega has become a suspect under Article 130 (3) of the Penal Code, for ‘inciting racial, ethnic, religious or other discord,'” Viasna told Telegram on Thursday.

According to human rights defenders, the girl faces up to 12 years in prison under this article.

S. Sapega, 23, R. Pratasevičius, 26, and about 100 other passengers flew on a Ryanair ocean liner from Athens to Vilnius on Sunday. He had approached Lithuanian airspace but was forced to head to the Belarusian capital when the country’s air dispatchers reported a possible security threat on board. Finally, this information was not confirmed.

Sapega has previously been reported on suspicion of certain crimes in Belarus, possibly after the controversial 2020 presidential elections. A video was posted this week in which he says he has edited the Belarusian Black Book of Telegram, which publishes data on the forces. security of the country.

Last year, Minsk included R. Pratasevičius, founder of the opposition information channel Nexta, and his 22-year-old friend Sciapan Pucil on the list of “persons involved in terrorist activities”, declaring the channel itself an “extremist” and ordered its blocking.

Following the August presidential elections, which the opposition and western democracies consider rigged, Belarus has been plagued by unprecedented mass protests for months. The winner of that vote was authoritarian leader Aliaksandr Lukashenko, who has ruled the country with an iron fist for nearly three decades.
