R.PAULAUSKAS: Every effort will be made to deal with D.Trampas – Respublika.lt


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R.Paulauskas: We will try to deal with D.Tramp in every possible way. Photo by EPA-Elta

I think Tramp already lost after these events, but there is also a very interesting and invisible side to this issue. Speeches are spreading both online and from the scene that Congress has been stormed by the people of Antifa – that is, Joe Biden supporters. The intention was to adjourn the session so that the electoral fraud that should have been presented there is not discussed at all, since it was always said that there would be evidence of falsification of the electoral results that the world had not yet seen … that it was a deceptive operation , because only Democrats, not Republicans, benefit from that invasion, because some Republicans are scared now, even though they would have supported Tramp before, so it was only for Biden supporters.

It should be noted that those people entered the building quite easily and security did not work properly, although there were not so many people that security could not control them. Well, and the demonstration itself took place next to the building, there were Tramp supporters who also protested in other cities in the United States.

And now, of course, every possible attempt will be made to deal with D. Tramp himself, especially since Democrats are already immediately impeaching the president. But to the extent that these events would end, it shows the complete and utter disintegration of America. And what we see is just the tip of the iceberg. After all, the fight is not between D. Tramp and J. Baiden. There are two completely different worlds fighting, two completely opposite approaches to everything in general: the economy, morality, ethics, even the history of our country, but also the future of all of us. The people who back J. Baiden have a completely different vision of the future of the world than the Tramp supporters. Some are globalists, others are nationalists, statesmen, supporters of nation states. After all, what is sought is openly stated. And the goal is for global transnational corporations to take over Western civilization.

Let’s take a closer look: Trump, however, is still the president of the most powerful state in the world – in other words, the most powerful man in the world. But let’s pose the question: who can give the order to turn off all television broadcasts when speaking from the White House? Who can order the closure of his Twitter account, which was done yesterday? Who are those powerful people who do not fear the most powerful man in the world? So there are even more powerful … Who are they? What are these forces? Naturally, these questions arise. Those people who give the order to turn off their “tweet” or stop broadcasting their speeches are real and in control. So who are they and where are they hiding? First of all, the executives of Google, Facebook, Apple and similar companies. Pharmacists, bankers, press moguls, financiers continue …

Read more about this on Friday’s Evening News.
