R. Masiulis became an independent member of the ConnectPay Board


Aware: 2021-01-04 10:53

Masiulis hand. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

Starting January 4. Rokas Masiulis became an independent member of the Board of ConnectPay UAB. He will also serve as Chairman of the Company’s Risk Committee and will be responsible for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, risk management and compliance monitoring.

R. Masiulis 2014–2016 He held the position of Minister of Energy in the then Government headed by the Social Democrat Algirdas Butkevičius, in 2016-2019. headed the Ministry of Transport and Communications in the Cabinet of Ministers of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis.

You are over 13 years old. Auditor experience at EY, a business consulting and auditing firm specialized in auditing financial institutions.

The report details that R. Masiulis has 10 m. experience in business directories in regulated sectors. Among them are AB LEO LT, UAB Baltpool, UAB Litgas, AB Klaipėdos Nafta, AB Vilniaus šilumos tinklai.

2018 ConnectPay, which started operations in 2006, is the second largest e-money institution in Lithuania in terms of the value of payments with services. 2019 The value of payments handled in the company amounted to 900 million. Eur, and during 2020 it was close to 5.5 billion. Eur per year.

VŽ wrote that in 2020. In late November, the Bank of Lithuania agreed to ConnectPay’s request to supplement its e-money institution license with the right to provide two additional payment services: payment initiation and account information.

ConnectPay’s revenue increased by $ 1.5 million. Eur 2019 up to 4.5 million Eur 2020 In 2021, the company aims to grow 2.5 times and reach approximately 11 million. Annual income in euros.

The company is 100% owned by Deependra Singh Bhartari, a British citizen and venture capitalist.

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