R.Lingienė leaves no hope for Poland, but warns: imported cases are risky, but the biggest concern is prevalence in society


Six out of ten are unclear

Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), says that a more detailed epidemiological study often revealed more circumstances and how the person might have been infected. However, according to preliminary data, six out of ten were infected in unclear circumstances.

On Wednesday it was announced that in total, on August 5. 9 p.m. According to the data, there are 2,147 confirmed cases of the disease in Lithuania, 403 people are still ill, 10 new cases were confirmed on Tuesday, and the death toll reached 81.

A Franciscan monk from Kretinga infected with COVID-19 was reported dead on Wednesday morning. It is believed that he contracted it while traveling in the Czech Republic. At the VUL Santara clinics, the person has been treated since July 21.

After contact with the patient, four people became infected. At the time, it was unclear how six more people were infected. No import cases were recorded during the previous day. Total since June 1. there are 110 import cases.

The prevalence in society is terrifying

“What worries the most are six cases that have not been clarified so far. They are fresh enough and often appear after a few days. But they do not state that they were at celebrations, restaurants, festivals, city celebrations of any kind, or that they had contact with COVID-19 cases. It remains to be hoped that those people will remember and point us to something we can connect with. However, as I mentioned some objects here, these are the places where it is most frequently infected. There are still few cases of public transport, but they are registered, “said R. Lingienė.

According to her, the situation in Lithuania is currently under control. “We have about a fifth of imported cases, a little more than a fifth, in a local extension in society. The number of import cases increased in July, if we look only this month, it would be almost a quarter of almost all established. Another problem is that imported cases are also risky, but epidemiologists focus and spread the greatest concern on those unspecified cases in society. Especially since they are not located in Vilnius, Kaunas or the Klaipėda region, they are widespread throughout Lithuania, ”said the NVSC representative.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Rolanda Lingiene

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Rolanda Lingiene

Up to 11 municipalities are identified as high risk and have higher test volumes. “That spread in Lithuania is the biggest concern,” said R. Lienė.

Currently, according to R. Lingienė, the situation is under control, but it can change very suddenly. He mentioned the case of Iceland, where from 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants it jumped in a few days to 21.3 cases per 100,000.

For Poland, bad news

When asked about the situation in Poland, where the number of COVID-19 cases is growing rapidly and has already reached the point where Lithuania should introduce mandatory isolation for returnees, R. Lingienė said he could not say whether that The decision should be made without waiting for Friday, when the affected countries are usually announced. .

“If we can, let’s postpone those trips. I don’t know what miracle must happen so that when I go to Poland on Monday, I no longer have to isolate myself when I return. And not only to Poland, there are several more candidate countries. The epidemiological situation is very unfavorable. and the figures have not improved in recent days, “said the specialist.

He said he could not say whether border controls should be introduced to manage flows to and from Poland. It is said that at least this is not yet being considered, but registration will be necessary if the country is included in the list of victims, a person is also at risk of administrative responsibility, if he infects the disease, he will not register, although he was obliged To do it.

I don’t know what miracle must happen so that when I go to Poland on Monday, I no longer have to isolate myself when I return.

However, the responsibility of each person is necessary: ​​no official will be created in every way.

The study will help prepare for the fall.

Starting next week, a population survey will be conducted in Lithuania, it is planned to survey 6.5 thousand. persons. R. Lingienė says that it is good for epidemiologists to have as much information as possible. Such a study helps to find out how much the public has been exposed to the infection: how many people may have had the asymptomatic form, they have not been in the eyes of specialists.

With such data, specialists will be able to better prepare for the fall. “This test is done at the same time because it is the most informative, the most appropriate is when one or two months after the start of the infection, it shows the big picture. In Lithuania, there were large peaks from several dozen cases a day to several cases in July, when the big wave was controlled, ”said the specialist.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Rolanda Lingiene

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Rolanda Lingiene

When asked what the current trends show: If the school year will be able to start on time, R. Lingienė says it could, but the safety requirements of the entire complex must be observed. It is both a health check and the non-admission of those teachers or students who present at least one symptom would be enough disinfectants, properly ventilated rooms, which is very important because this virus is not resistant to it. The use of masks is also recommended.

“As the situation worsens, scenarios are being prepared for what would happen if the number of cases increased. But distance learning is only possible after the quarantine announcement and every effort is being made to model what should be done. so that we don’t get there sooner, ”said R. Lingienė.

Again, the mandatory masks are available indoors from August 1, but R. Lingienė remembers that it takes the entire complex to feel a positive result. According to the World Health Organization, masks alone will not be the “miracle solution” that will save the new coronavirus.

There will be more mandatory requirements

However, he did not mention what else should be mandatory, that experts consult, examine the good and bad experiences of other countries, consider measures in case the situation worsens. However, this does not mean that the quarantine can be restored tomorrow.

Carriers, tour operators will be responsible for ensuring that people sign up. The NVSC would then have data on all travelers.

“It’s about registering participants for events, because we have a lot of infections at events. It is very difficult for epidemiologists to find the person they are looking for in that crowd. Another issue is to strengthen the registry of foreign arrivals, and here the decisions are being prepared. Those things may change, but we have seen an increase in imports in July, which means that those who must register with the NVSC would later be isolated, would receive an epidemiological consulate, etc., and some ignore it. They avoid the professionals at airports and say they will check in online.

Now it is thought that it will force everyone to register, it will surely be inconvenient, but if there are irresponsible people, society will suffer. Therefore, carriers, tour operators will be responsible for people signing up. Then the NVSC would have the data of everyone who traveled, ”said R. Lingienė.

This will be done on airplanes.

When a case of infection is detected, a person should indicate as many contacts as they remember; According to R. Lingienė, people generally do not remember what they did three days ago if they were not abroad or on vacation.
