R. Karbauskis, who has resigned from his mandate, does not know if he will return to Seimas in four years


We invite you to watch the CEC meeting here:

VIDEO: CEC Meeting 2020-11-24 13:00

R. Karbauskis attended the CEC meeting not only, but with MP Dainius Gaižauskas.

“I, Ramūnas Karbauskis, a member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, (…) declare that I resign as a member of the Seimas,” said R. Karbauskis.

When asked by the president of the CEC, Laura Matjošaitytė if she was firmly resolved, the president of LVŽS confirmed that this is indeed the case.

The CEC recognized the mandate of the members of the Seimas as the first head of the Health Committee of the previous period that remains after the script in the list of “peasant” candidates. She did not attend the CCA meeting, she will receive the Seimas membership certificate in the near future, then she will be sworn in at the Seimas.

Although he was left without a mandate, R. Karbauskis promised to be a frequent guest at the Seimas.

“I will often return to the Seimas because the Farmers and Greens Union faction is the largest opposition faction. This group will certainly do the job that is planned. And I am the president of the Farmers and Greens Union, the cooperation between the faction and I is inevitable and it will be very flexible, ”commented the LVŽS leader at the end of the CEC meeting.

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R. Karbauskis spoke about the intention to resign as a member of Seimas on Thursday.

“In protest against the efforts of the liberal ruling majority to restrict the opportunities of members of our faction to operate in the Seimas, realizing their responsibility to form a shadow government, strengthen LVSS structures, prepare for the next municipal elections, I decided to leave the Seimas, “he said.

R. Karbauskis, together with LVŽS, declared now that he would begin to form the shadow LVŽS government, would prepare his program, later, he would prepare for the municipal elections, would have more common relations with the party branches in the regions.

R. Karbauskis assured that he was not afraid to leave the LVŽS faction in Seimas, which he had been leading until very recently.

“I am confident that the faction will do its job. As I had to make that decision, it can be assumed or stated that the faction will only become more focused and work even more for the benefit of the Lithuanian people,” he said.

In the October elections to the Seimas, R. Karbauskis received 66,484 priority votes in a multi-member constituency.

VIDEO: A.Veryga: not all members of the faction supported the resignation of R. Karbauskis to the Seimas

R. Karbauskis explained that such a decision would make the rulers happy, but hinted that he could change his mind if the rulers requested it.

Furthermore, he hoped that after his resignation, the ruling majority would “resign and return to the faction the opportunities to work fully in the Seimas”, that is, appoint the Aušrinė Norkienė previously proposed as vice presidents of the Seimas and negotiate the leadership positions in the Seimas. committees.

After leaving Seimas, R. Karbauskis will take care of party business, spend more time on himself, and between plans – and more sports to lose weight, interviews 15 minutes declared the LVŽS leader himself.

VIDEO: R. Karbauskis leaves the Seimas: what are the real reasons for this and what will he do after he resigns from the parliamentary mandate?

R. Karbauskis was elected in this Seimas election from the list of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants, and did not appoint himself in a single-member constituency. For R. Karbauskis, this would have been the fourth term at Seimas.

VIDEO: A.Širinskienė is not saddened by the departure of R. Karbauskis: “from then on we will only be stronger”
