R. Karbauskis praised A. Veryga and described A. Dulkis as desperate


“The people are in power, they are doing something. So far, it can be said that everything is very chaotic. When he appointed Dust as Minister of Health, the president himself immediately said that the prime minister would have to take responsibility. Unfortunately, she is not trying to take responsibility. State auditors were dusted for failing to manage state control. In this situation, when he was appointed Minister of Health, it was obvious that a person who cannot control state control will not be able to manage a sector like health, ”R. Karbauskis told Knowledge Radio on Friday. , adding that Ingrida Šimonytė, a led government, could cope with the pandemic if the appropriate ministers were appointed.

“Unfortunately, we have the fact that he cannot do it. This government can do that if the people fit into the places where they will make decisions. Unfortunately, the minister is desperate, there are many ministers who do not have a place in this government, “he said. According to the peasant leader, the ministry headed by A. Dulkis did not sufficiently take into account the vaccination proposals presented by the government in the shadow of LVŽS.

“The problems started when the conservatives convinced the voters, the Lithuanian people, that they had a plan. We have all heard about the 120-step plan, which has never been published. The entire vaccination system has been handed over to the municipalities. Mayors who have managed to organize work better, there the results are better, where worse, worse. But we do not have some kind of system, no systematic approach to centralize the vaccination process, we do not have information. In many countries, this was done differently and we try to tell the government, like the shadow government of the LVŽS, to prove it, “the politician explained.

The reluctance of the rulers to discuss with the public, according to R. Karbauskis, is also illustrated by their reaction to the statement made by the president of the council prof. Dr. Speech by Igno Vėgėlė criticizing the passport of opportunities, the World Health Organization.

“The speech by Vėgėlė, the director of the Bar Association, which interested and moved a lot of people, was an attempt to start the discussion even legally, but instead of the Government or the lawyers supporting the Government starting that discussion, they simply They stoned her. It turned out that they are all guilty, all pro-Russian, to prove, that they only dare to say that the government is doing something wrong. This is not a discussion. We will not go anywhere like this, “the peasant emphasized.

According to the president of LVŽS, A. Veryga, who was the Minister of Health at the time of 2016-2020, demonstrated a completely different approach to the need for dialogue with the public.

“Remember. There were no protests at that time. Perhaps at that time there was much more fear, much less knowledge. Then there were no vaccinations at all. Anyway, the public understood then what Veryga was saying, talking about it every day. Maybe we get tired of our attempts to explain, to say, but it sounds the opposite of saying nothing and not communicating, not trying to persuade people. If there had been vaccines at that time, there would have been solutions “, R. is convinced. Karbauskis.
