R. Karbauskis lost the mandate of member of the Seimas


Ramūnas Karbauskis. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) adopted a decision on the termination of the mandate of Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the Lithuanian Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS), who resigned as a member of the Seimas. Another representative from LVŽS Asta Kubilienė will come to the Seimas next week.

The text was supplemented by the speeches of R. Karbauskis after the CEC meeting.

R. Karbauskis himself attended the CEC meeting on Tuesday and, as provided by law, directly reiterated to the Commission that he had decided to resign as a member of parliament. He simply read his one-sentence statement about his resignation from the Seimas.

The members of the CEC had no questions to the politician about such a request, so they unanimously approved the decision on the termination of R. Karbauskis’ term as a member of the Seimas. Tuesday is the last day of his term.

“I will often return to the Seimas, because the LVŽS faction is the largest opposition faction, it will definitely do the job that is planned, and I am the president of LVŽS, our cooperation with the faction is inevitable and it will be very flexible,” he told journalists after the CEC meeting. R. Karbauskis.

According to him, the first job now will be to form a shadow government led by Saulius Skvernelis, later, according to the president of LVŽS, the party will prepare for 2023. for the spring municipal elections.

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When asked if he could spend more time in business, he said without thinking. R. Karbauskis owns one of the largest agricultural groups in the country: Agrokoncernas.

The president of LVŽS announced his intention to leave the Seimas last Thursday, just a week after the start of the work of the legislature.

R. Karbauskis affirmed that in this way he was protesting against the actions of the new government in assigning positions in parliament.

“As the largest faction of the opposition, we had to be represented in the leadership of the Seimas, we had to have the chairman of the Audit Committee and in all other positions that belong to the Statute and traditions in the Seimas. It happened that the new coalition The ruler did everything possible so that it did not happen, and today I can affirm that my election and decision was the only way for the LVŽS faction in the Seimas to have those opportunities ”, said the president of LVŽS.

R. Karbauskis stated that he was convinced that when he left the Seimas, the LVŽS faction would be “even more concentrated”.

Last week, the Seimas rejected the candidacy of Aušrinė Norkienė proposed by the LVŽS by approving the deputies of parliament. All other proposed vice presidents, both the ruler and the opposition, were approved.

Having declared that R. Karbauskis was leaving the Seimas, the CEC also made a decision to recognize the mandate of A. Kubiliene, the first head of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee from the previous term remaining after the hyphen on the electoral list. He will take the oath in the Seimas session and will acquire the powers of parliament on Thursday, December 3.

LVŽS has 32 representatives in parliament.

R. Karbauskis was chosen for Seimas with the list of this match. The leader of the Green-peasants, who had the largest ruling faction during the last term, was the largest of the faction and the chairman of the Seimas Culture Committee.

R. Karbauskis was in 1996–2000, 2000–2004 and 2016–2020. Member of the Seimas.

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