R. Karbauskis hopes that the lives of workers and the elderly have improved: “Our works speak for us”


“The electoral program mainly consists of the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030 that will be considered at the Government meeting tomorrow, the DNA plan for the future economy of Lithuania valid until next year, as well as the National Action Plan of Energy and Climate substantially updated by this Government, “he said at the press conference. Lukas Savickas, Vice Chancellor of the Government.

According to him, these documents are strategic, “which mark a clear course for the greater development of the country, based on the strengthening of social welfare, an economy with high added value and sustainable development.”

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Lukas Savickas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Lukas Savickas

LVŽS leader Ramūnas Karbauskis stated that “the works” spoke for the party in the elections and that the government formed by the “peasants” had successfully faced the COVID-19 pandemic and economic challenges.

“We came to the polls in a situation where the management of the Lithuanian economy and the economic situation of this crisis related to the coronavirus is probably the best in the European Union. “Our economic recession will be the smallest or nonexistent among European countries; now economists cannot answer this question,” commented the party president.

The Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, assured that the coronavirus has revealed systemic problems. They would not have arisen if it were not for President Dalia Grybauskaitė’s veto on the reorganization of medical institutions.

“Without a doubt, COVID-19 showed the systemic problems that we have in Lithuania. I have been talking about them for four years. And we had a unique opportunity. If we had not received the veto of the then president, I think we would have trusted COVID -19 otherwise, and today we would not have talked about the problems of service renewal, the lack of personnel, we would not have heard complaints about work cycles, because it would be [buvę] internal affairs of the institutions, ”explained A.Veryga.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Aurelijus Veryga

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Aurelijus Veryga

Continuing with the theme of the coronavirus, R. Karbauskis affirmed that the “troll factories”, the external forces, the “disgusting Lithuanian countries” incite the society of our country not to comply with the preventive measures of COVID-19.

And in general, R. Karbauskis expected that the elderly, the retired, the workers, would feel the changes achieved by the government in four years: “And through our salaries, through a situation that is very different, that we trust in reservations earlier this year. The state reserves were around 1 billion. 400 million euros, which has never been the case in the history of Lithuania. We are confident that we are prepared for this crisis. “

We trusted in this crisis to be prepared.

When asked how many seats the party hopes to win in these Seimas elections, R. Karbauskis did not indicate the number. But he revealed who he would not join the coalition with after the elections.

No coalitions seen with either the Labor Party or the LSDP

“In this election, there will be a very clear division between the parties that represent liberal positions; on the other side, of course, there are also the conservatives, the social democrats, the liberal movement, the freedom party, the labor party. […] And there are those parties, they are really few, who are on that side of traditional values, “said the politician.

“I will say one thing: it would be very difficult to expect coalitions with these parties if drugs are the most important thing that exists in Lithuania today,” he added. purposes.

If voters send a small number of LVŽS representatives to the Seimas, the politician is convinced that a liberal-minded coalition will be formed, which will supposedly reverse the decisions initiated by the LVŽS.

The LVŽS leader also claimed that corruption “is not the business of this government” and said he was surprised by allegations that the purchase of rapid tests during the COVID-19 pandemic had exceeded his authority.

“People from the Ministry of Health, the Government Chancellery, are accused of making decisions for those who squatted in the bushes, or in some very closed place during the crisis, now they blame it. He is accused of making decisions, working at night and waking up in China. I have seen all this, I would have made the same decisions that these people did ”, explained R. Karbaususk.

The Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT) is currently investigating 6 million. purchase of rapid coronavirus tests worth EUR. On Tuesday it became clear that L. Savickas was questioned as a special witness.

During a press conference, the Vice Chancellor of the Government stated that he had agreed to testify, answered all the questions from the officials and that he had not heard any suspicions against him or the Government Chancellery. L. Savickas stated that he could not speak on this matter because he signed an agreement not to comment on the research material.

More about this – here.
