R.Karbauskis after the conversation with G.Nausėda: I called attention to conservative propaganda – Respublika.lt


“The president has stated the fact, which I have repeated all along, that in fact in this crisis the state is taking a completely different path. We chose the complete opposite paths that we did in 2008-2009. Conservatives We went for income support , the cost recovery, the commercial support so that consumption does not really decrease. And the conservatives did exactly the opposite. The president also understands this and is trying to communicate it. He pointed out that a completely different path has been chosen, which is a path different, through helping people, compensation, income support, “R. Karbauskis told Eltai.

The LV®S leader emphasized that he had told the president about the lies spread by conservatives regarding the payment of 200 euros.

“There is a debate about what still needs to be compensated, and this debate is necessary. You have to think about how the state can help its people. Again, I stressed that this cannot be done through doubts about what has already been done. done. I personally emphasized to the President that the image of the Seimas that the Seimas had made a decision only regarding pensioners and the disabled was false. But I repeat once again: the Seimas has decided on a billion-dollar support package. euros, and disabled retirees receive 180 million of that amount. euros And there is such an opinion in society and accuses the government that we only care about retirees, it is a lie and once again a lie. The package for retirees and disabled it’s only a fifth of the total amount, ”he said.

According to R. Karbauskis, he also drew G. Nausėda’s attention to the additional rhetoric, which must be weighed very well so that “it does not seem by accident that we doubt what has already been done.”

“The image formed in conservative society that the Seimas made a decision only regarding retirees and the disabled is a lie. The public is especially opposed. We have spoken to the President about this, which would be good in this situation, which all the proposals that are still pending should be additional to those that have already been made, but in no way doubt what has already been done. If we doubt what has been done, it will turn out that this conservative propaganda, I would say, has worked “said R. Karbauskis.

“I have asked the President that we must repeat to the public that propaganda against the public will not be successful. We have emerged from a health problem with sufficient success, and it is now important to manage the economic situation so that people do not begin to doubt unnecessarily the state and don’t start saving unnecessarily to trust the Seimas’ decisions. And the opposition is now doing special work to avoid trust, and this could become serious problems for the economy, “said R. Karbauskis.

According to him, the President did not express any criticism of the Seimas.

“There was no criticism of the Seimas. Everything was constructive, and the president understands that he is taking a completely different path from the one he took during that crisis. That is the right path, and our points of view are absolutely the same. There was no criticism, just the question of how to do better, “he said.

G. Landsbergis: our opinion agreed with the president: the government’s plan is almost ineffective

Conservative leader Gabriel Landsberg says the government’s economic recovery plan is not working, so President Gitan Nauseda feels compelled to propose measures to help companies, in this case, reduce personal income tax ( PIT) during the crisis.

“We really agree with the president that the government’s plan is almost ineffective. If we talk about how many companies have received support from INVEGA, then the need for support is estimated at tens of millions, and the money promised by the government is like A billion euros. It is with what easy hand that a billion dollars the Government has also approved for pensioners, other disadvantaged groups of 200 euros each. Compared to how much the Government has added different thresholds for business support, this is Simply inadequate, we have certainly discussed it. My position is that seeing that government support does not work, I had a discussion about why I am voting in favor of those € 200. Because it is at least a regrettable and stimulating type of demand for that the economy gets oxygen. People who get those € 200 will buy the economy a little bit by buying, because other measures do not work in practice. This comes from Another thing that the president also feels compelled to find tools to help the business run. The idea of ​​temporarily reducing the PIT proposed by him focuses on this, and that someone must be helped by companies, because the Government does not do that, “G. Landsbergis told Eltai after the conversation with G. Nausėda.

According to the conservative leader, the president’s proposal to temporarily reduce the GPM during the crisis is being considered. Landsberg, on the other hand, says he would like to see how this fits in with the budget.

“In my opinion, the idea of ​​the President of the EPA is worth considering, because we practically do not listen to other ideas from the Government, so the opposition and the Presidency must participate. But to better assess how this fits in the general budgetary context, We finally need to start looking at the budget. However, with the approval of that government’s $ 1 billion plan and the President’s proposed aid of $ 460 million, we don’t see how it will look in the overall budget. We don’t see how much money is loaned, how much remains unspent, etc. These are measures that must be considered, but must be budgeted. This was my proposal to the President to demand that the Government come to Seimas with a modified budget, “said G. Landsbergis.

Landsbergis emphasized that the Conservatives had prepared an economic recovery plan and were ready to share it with the Presidency and the Government.

“We have prepared a recovery plan. Three periods: current, long and medium.” We will undoubtedly share it with the President and the Government, “he told Eltai.
