R. imaius is fired by the head of the Vilnius City Council, he intends to go to court


Oksana Treenko, Vilnius City Director. 15 min / photo Scanpix

The Vilnius City Municipality announced on Tuesday that Oksana Treenko, the head of Vilnius City Council, has been removed by decree from Mayor Remigijus, who says he intends to pursue the dismissal in court.

According to the mayor of the capital, she did not justify the request.

I thank the manager for his efforts, but we did not reach a general consensus, we could not open the doors more widely to the public, R. imaius said in a municipal report on Tuesday.

At the time, the dismissal of the SNB head said that he intended to demand the dismissal.

Definitely because no rationale has been presented, no argument has been made, said Mr. Treenko.

According to her, the mayor’s decision was unexpected: in fact, he was very surprised. The first is an unexpected decision, without arguments, without reasons.

O. Treenko secured the job offer Monday during a remote interview with Deputy Director of Administration Marija Vyniauskaitė.

He didn’t even care how I was. I was invited to a meeting with a new man, I met him for the first time. I felt very optimistic, maybe talking about it all of a sudden, saying what we did, what we didn’t do, and on top of all that, I heard an offer to come to an agreement, said O. Treenko.

A cause of mistrust was mentioned, he added.

The director also said that she wanted to hear the wishes of the mayor, because when she met the company she was with him for a year and a half, then the mayor, according to her, did not present her wishes or the manager’s job problems. .

O. Treenko has run the Vilnius City Council since the beginning of 2018. Patricia Poderyt, director of the Sudden Project, will temporarily head the City Council.

The municipality plans to hold a competition for the selection of a new head of government in the near future.

I hope the new leader is resistant to political paths, looks into the open eyes and has good artistic taste. The town must become an open and welcoming space for the townspeople, says the mayor of the capital.

Vilnius City Hall is one of the three remaining historic cities in Lithuania. Representative, cultural and commercial events are organized in the Town Hall.

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