R. Eerskien joined the Board of Citadele


Aware: 2021-02-01 09:38

Rta Eerskien, Citadele Bank Board Member Company photo

Rta Eerskien has joined the Board of Citadele Bank and will be responsible for services to private and small and medium-sized business clients.

Mr. Eerskien has considerable experience in the banking and insurance sectors. Prior to that, he held the position of Director of Mamena and Innovation at the international insurance broker Aon Baltic, including various positions at SEB Bank in Lithuania and the Baltic States, SEB Life Insurance, Member of the Board of the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance ( BICG).

I grew up joining Citadele. By developing innovative solutions and services based on new technologies, Citadele keeps up with the changing needs of customers at various stages of their lives. I see great potential in the Baltic States to become the main financial partner for private and commercial clients by providing the highest level of services, says R. Eerskien in a press release.

The companies and branches of the Citadele Group, based in the United States, operate in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

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