R.Bubnelis got drunk at the wheel: he will not be able to drive for almost two years Names


News portal alfa.lt was the first to report that R. Bubnel got caught in the wheel. It is written that the man’s misdemeanor was registered in February this year and received the verdict of the Vilnius Regional District Court in August.

According to the case, R. Bubnel on February 13. From approximately 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., while intoxicated, he was driving a car belonging to a legal entity, the printing company, SAAB. Officials who received a report of a possible drunk driver checking R. Bubnel with a breathalyzer set it at 2.23 avg. binge (heavy binge is considered binge from 2.5 avg.).

According to the aforementioned news portal, the singer pleaded guilty in court and indicated that she also drank alcohol while celebrating with friends that day.

Turns out R. Bubnelis wasn’t planning on driving home, but when he couldn’t call a cab, he decided to drive himself and drove about 15 kilometers after drinking. He also indicated that he carried a bitter together. Alfa.lt writes that this is how he behaves due to health problems: it turns out that he “forgives” him after drinking and makes it easier for him to breathe.

“It’s a stupid excuse, but it’s the way it is,” Bubnel said in court.

Photo LNK /

Photo LNK / “Lithuanian voice. Moment of the elderly

Taking into account these circumstances, the court denied R. Bubnel the right to drive for a period of 1 year 8 months, and also ordered to recover the amount of money corresponding to the value of the car with which the author committed the crime – 710 euros . Although in such cases the car is usually confiscated as a means of committing a crime, on this occasion it is taken into account that the car did not belong to R. Bubnel himself, but to the printer, who had been a performer for a long time. weather.

By court decision, the interpreter was released from criminal responsibility under bail, establishing a bail period of one and a half years. A close friend, a businessman engaged in real estate and other activities, became a guarantor for R.Bubnelis.
