R. Andrikienė, who lost his hair in 2 weeks: “Ignorance is very scary”


In the program “El mundo de las mujeres” on TV3, Rasa did not hide; At the time I was thinking about the cancer diagnosis, but the most terrifying thing was the ignorance. After discovering the real cause of hair loss, he realized that he would have to continue living with it, he would only need to change his perspective on life.

Today, however, it is an example for many women who have experienced alopecia. There is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide, after all, as Rasa herself says, only her hair has fallen out, not a smile.

Alopecia is a disease of the autoimmune system that has not deprived Rasa of the joie de vivre. Gestalt psychotherapy consultant will tell her inspiring story without curtains, which required a lot of strength, but also donated incredible gifts.

A shocking start

Rasa does not hide that the beginning was really difficult. When her hair started to fall out, she took blood tests. And while the result was flawless, the hair kept slipping a lot. Rasa started looking for reasons and consulted a dermatologist. This warned him that it could happen that all his hair fell out.

“He was more intimidated by that ignorance, and what will happen next? Maybe his ears will fall off, maybe his nose? What’s next? Two weeks, all, hairless, naked. Then there were those fears,” Rasa said.

One day the woman realized that she could no longer leave the house without a wig. Without expecting anything, she hurried to the wig salon and chose the most suitable one for herself.

“It was a very painful moment. I realized that, in fact, that’s it, you’ll have to shave the rest of your hair and walk around in that wig, “Rasa recalled.

She wore the wig for only two weeks, it was so uncomfortable. And then naturally he realized that he would no longer be hiding under a wig, he would be what he is.

Consequences of advertising

When Rasa started talking about it publicly, letters came from women thanking him for the inspiration. The interlocutor of Kristina Rimienė, the host of the “World by Women” program, had never imagined how many such women, and the story of each of them, written in letters, is always different. Rasa knows hundreds of these women for whom her frankness is not only a source of inspiration, but also an incentive not to shut up and proudly accept herself differently.

She gave some examples of what women with hair loss face and when hair loss is hardest to survive. Talking about alopecia, in his experience, according to Rasa, is a kind of way of explaining the situation to those around him. She boldly jokes about her illness and accepts everything as it is.

“I have benefited a lot from all this publicity and situation! I wrote a book during the first quarantine, but I didn’t have a publisher. Then the hair situation happened, I became so bright and beautiful, so they encouraged me to send my book to the largest publisher in Lithuania. And they say – good. So what I dreamed I have ”, said Rasa happily.

Hair loss is not a verdict

After losing her hair, she also discovered a new style: she liked hats and new accessories, so it is simply impossible not to notice her on the street. The woman shines with an original and beautiful image.

“We are all fantastic, unique and we just can’t go out together. If I stand on one side of the scale, there is nothing to put on the other side, because others are not like me.

Like you, the second is not. We are all wow. Let’s use only what is given to us wisely. It’s just hair, you see. We are much more. Cheer up! ”- Rasa wishes the audience of the show.
