Quarantine to be introduced tomorrow: epidemiologists acknowledge that this is not the end


“Currently, the main and really important problem is avoiding the exhaustion of the health system. Currently, as we can see, morbidity (growth) is registered exponentially every week, the number of hospitalizations and deaths is increasing. The last resort, cathrantine, has been adopted for that reason alone, ”explained D. Razmuvienė.

The epidemiologist spoke of the desire to reduce morbidity rates during quarantine and, at the same time, reduce the number of patients treated in the hospital. According to the expert, if the number of new cases were reduced to 200 per day, then it would be possible to start thinking about the release of quarantine facilities.

“I do not believe that these measures, which are now adopted by Government Resolution, are final. According to the experience and practice of other countries, Belgium and France, every day they introduce certain additional restrictions on quarantine, taking into account the situation on that day, ”said D. Razmuvienė.

The epidemiologist noted that large supermarkets with more than grocery stores were still open in Lithuania.

“It just came to our knowledge then. And the quarantine measure is that people avoid meeting. Because (…) the larger the group of people in a place, the greater the possibility of transmission of the virus,” warned D. Razmuvienė.

The specialist is convinced that flow regulation is the right solution for the moment, but the situation needs to be monitored further.

“I don’t think the numbers that were recorded yesterday and the day before are final. (…) They will definitely increase. This increase in the number of patients will also determine the number of hospitalized patients, including those in resuscitation, ”said D. Razmuvienė.

The epidemiologist warned that the health system could burn out in such a situation. There may be a shortage of doctors.

“If there is a shortage of doctors because they are also sick, (…) then an emergency situation can occur, as happened in other southern countries in the spring months. To avoid this, overcrowding should be avoided as much as possible, not just limiting 10 m2. meter. Area per person in large supermarkets. I really know that other countries are closing such big shopping malls, because they are still there today, let’s see, our society is really visited a lot, ”said D. Razmuvienė.

Other patients ask for understanding

The epidemiologist does not rule out that the provision of scheduled services may suffer as morbidity increases, but has ensured that essential services will continue to be provided.

“People for whom planned services (surgical or outpatient) are planned can and should apply to medical institutions. But the support hospitals are already swarming with covidium patients. If they run out of beds, it is a plan that other wards are redesigned specifically to treat these patients.

Remember, as was the case during flu season, when there were large numbers of patients and many patients with influenza and its complications required hospitalization, Plan B was always on when other wards were connected to hospitalize those patients. The provision of scheduled services may be affected. Of course, the necessary help remains, the inevitable services will be provided, but let us have a human understanding that if there are no more places to place serious patients due to COVID-19 disease, then it is necessary to donate some department to provide this help “, said D. Razmuvienė.

The specialist recommended that patients in all cases first call their medical institution and find out what options are available to them.

“Sometimes people are outraged to call the ministry, the president, instead of calling their own medical center and asking if one or the other service is still available. You must first apply to your medical institution, and only if there is a problem, seek justice, ”said D. Razmuvienė.

The epidemiologist believes that access to outpatient clinics will be limited.

“When the quarantine is announced, infection control management comes into play and has generally already been implemented. If a person contacts, they register, they are given time. He comes, they control his temperature. The whole process was already learned in spring. Infection control rules have been applied to other infections, (…) they just need to be remembered and applied, ”he said. Razmuvienė.

There may be more solutions

Catering establishments may only provide take-out services during quarantine.

“It just came to our attention then. When time was limited, (…) we can certainly see that the rules were not really followed in all catering establishments. (…) That business, of course, will suffer. But let’s see where the rules are. priorities: human health or business, “said D. Razmuvienė.

The masks must be worn throughout Lithuania in public places where there are people, except in exceptional cases.

“If I am alone in the forest, of course it is not necessary. Or, if I am outside the city, and there are no people around me in a radius of 20 meters either. But I want to remind you that other countries, even while practicing sports or you walk in the forest, they don’t allow you to take off your mask. (…) Sometimes taking off and using the mask incorrectly represents a greater threat than if I used it even in a place where I won’t be threatened, ”said D. Razmuvienė.

Regarding the educational process, distance education is being introduced from the fifth grade and for higher education. For now, preschoolers and beginners will learn by contact.

“Attention will be paid to the epidemiological situation, what is happening in these educational institutions will be monitored. If we see that there is a threat, other decisions can be made, “said D. Razmuvienė.

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