Quarantine rules were relaxed as of Thursday – all major changes will go into effect tomorrow


The quarantine lasted throughout Lithuania until the end of June. However, it is already said that this could be the last month of quarantine and it could be terminated before the end of the month.

No working time restrictions apply

As of Thursday, catering and other entertainment venues are open without opening hours.

This means that catering establishments, restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs and other entertainment venues, casinos and gaming machines, bingo halls, gambling and betting venues operate when ordered food and beverages are consumed in open spaces, tables and when activities take place. in open spaces.

Outdoor cafe

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Changes in the opportunity passport

Starting Thursday, the conditions under which people can obtain an Opportunity Passport will also change.

The period is extended to 13 weeks (instead of 12) after the first dose of Vaxzevria.

Sick individuals are advised to receive the Opportunity Passport 2 weeks after a single dose of any vaccine (Comirnaty, COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna, COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen, or Vaxzevria) if the person has been diagnosed with a positive SARS – CoV – 2 PCR assay.

At the end of the 210-day period, survivors have an additional one-month period to approve the Opportunity Passport so they can get vaccinated with COVID-19 and the Opportunity Passport does not expire.

The validity of the antigen test for obtaining the Passport is extended to 48 hours (instead of 24 hours).

Therefore, the Opportunity Passport is valid for those who:

1. You have had one of the following vaccines against COVID-19 (coronavirus infection):

  • one week after the administration of the second dose of Comirnaty or COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna according to the vaccination schedule, except in the case specified in subsection 18.1.5 of this Decree;
  • 2 weeks after COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen dose;
  • 4 weeks, but not more than 13 weeks after the first dose of the Vaxzevria vaccine, except in the case specified in Subparagraph 18.1.5 of this Decree;
  • after the second dose of Vaxzevria vaccine according to the vaccination schedule;

2. Two weeks after the administration of a single dose of Comirnaty, COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna, COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen or Vaxzevria to a person with a history of COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) and the diagnosis of SARS has been confirmed positive. CoV-2 PCR test;

People rush to get vaccinated

People rush to get vaccinated

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

3. History of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) and the diagnosis has been confirmed by a positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen or PCR test and no more than 210 days have elapsed since the positive test (but not before end of isolation period). finished);

4. In the case of a COVID-19 test and a negative result, a PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 no earlier than 72 hours (from the time of sampling) or an antigen test no earlier than 48 hours (from the moment of sampling);

5. There are children under 16 years of age.

The use of masks

As of Thursday, performers, announcers, event hosts will not be able to wear masks during rehearsals, videos, audio recordings, broadcasts, events, when a safe distance from spectators and / or participants is guaranteed.

On the conditions for transboundary movement

The updated conditions for vaccinated foreigners arriving from third countries came into effect on Thursday.

It is proposed to recognize as additional proof the digital COVID certificate of the European Union prepared in accordance with the requirements of the European Commission.

Furthermore, for the sake of clarity, when different countries treat the end of vaccination differently, it is proposed to establish specific conditions for when vaccination is considered to be finished; Vaccination is considered complete if at least 14 days have passed since the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine dose and the person has been vaccinated:

  • a second dose of vaccine, where the vaccination schedule consists of two doses of vaccine;
  • a vaccine dose, where the vaccination schedule consists of a vaccine dose;
  • at least one dose of the vaccine administered to a person with a history of COVID-19 and the diagnosis has been confirmed by a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2.

In view of the increasing influx of tourists and the fact that many families travel with children during the summer season, and only a few foreign countries currently introduce vaccination for children from the age of 12, and to allow children to enter the country freely without permits, to allow unrestricted entry to all foreigners (from third countries) under 16 years of age
The requirements for COVID-19 studies for arrivals and returnees are also clarified.

It is proposed that COVID-19 testing is no longer necessary for all arrivals and returnees from abroad, but only for those arriving or returning from countries included in the list of countries affected by COVID-19 approved by the Minister of Health, like the last Epidemiological indicators can be removed from this list.

Quarantine rules were relaxed as of Thursday - all major changes will go into effect tomorrow

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

It is specified that the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test should not be performed earlier than 72 hours and the antigen test no earlier than 48 hours (from the time of sampling) before returning or arriving in the Republic of Lithuania.

At the same time, the requirements for COVID-19 testing are clarified for arrivals and returnees who have been vaccinated or have a history of COVID-19.

It is established that the exemption from having a COVID-19 test does not apply to arrivals and returnees who have been vaccinated or have a history of COVID-19 if they have visited the countries from which improved measures of control of communicable diseases are applied during the 14 days. before the return (according to the list of countries affected by COVID-19 approved by the Ministry of Health). It is proposed to recognize the European Union digital COVID certificate prepared in accordance with the requirements of the European Commission as additional evidence of vaccination or relapse.

In addition, according to EU requirements, it is clarified that relapsers do not need a COVID-19 test only if the disease has been confirmed by PCR (removed antigen test) and when vaccination is considered complete.

Organization of educational activities

It was decided to equalize the conditions of education, training and non-formal education, to abandon the excessive restrictions.

It has been established that the examination of the basic educational achievements of students with special educational needs due to deafness, moderate, significant, very severe hearing impairment or cochlear implant, complete blindness, blindness with blindness, low vision, students in schools (departments) that operate in or part of prisons, maturity exams or parts thereof are taken, examinations are conducted for students who complete the educational program in accordance with the educational programs of foreign states and international organizations, and entrance exams (or other methods selection) to schools that implement general education programs. carried out, vocational training or higher education studies are carried out in facilities that provide 10 square meters. m of classroom space per student, when the premises have more than 10 students.

It is stipulated that the non-formal education of children is carried out in accordance with the conditions established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level, and no more than 30 children may participate in indoor activities simultaneously and in children’s camps in a group, except when Only children and staff with Abilities participate in children’s camps.

Quarantine rules were relaxed as of Thursday - all major changes will go into effect tomorrow

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

The tests should be mandatory for all organizers of summer camps for children.

Non-formal adult education and non-formal vocational training are carried out in accordance with the conditions established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level, and 10 m2 M. m of room space per person or no more than one person can participate at the same time, except in non-formal adult education activities, where only people with an Opportunity Passport are present.

Students from almost all municipalities in the country can return to schools starting Thursday.

Taking into account the improvement of the epidemiological situation in Lithuania, primary school students and students in grades 5 to 11 will be able to complete the school year in schools without exams.

Until now, the current procedure of mixed periodic mixed screening of contact students and teachers, other personnel for the diagnosis of COVID-19 or self-monitoring for possible COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) is maintained in municipalities where COVID-19 is still present. exceeds 200 cases per 100,000. population. According to current data, these are the municipalities of the districts of Utena, Švenčionys, Ukmergė, Molėtai and Visaginas.

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