Quarantine revealed that many Kaunas residents have hearing problems


Today, journalists on the kauno.diena.lt portal were interested in how Kaunas residents who spend the weekend in the green areas of the city are subject to quarantine, which has not been revoked by anyone. It had to be said not only that there was no shortage of egotists, but also dealing with some of them in an attempt to perpetuate the rape.

An eloquent incident

A 30-year-old man, standing next to the Pažaislis Monastery, as well as a woman and a teenager with him, immortalized on a bicycle without a mandatory face protection mask, were allowed to try to deprive the photographer of his portal work tool. Although this suggested that the offender call the police and find out what was wrong in the presence of officials.

To this the offender replied that he himself was the police. And he gave the photographer some kind of certificate, which the attacker realized was an employee of the “Office of the Commissioners.” The duel ended with an injury to the photographer’s arm and the forced deletion of the camera by the author’s violated injury.

The mentioned man, who only knew the language of his fists, was the only person who reacted in this way to the work of the portal photographer kauno.diena.lt. Others, immortalized under the same circumstances, admitted that they were not behaving as they should, and only asked where their photos would be published.

For a good hour in Pažaislis, near the Kaunas lagoon, people of different ages who were not wearing face masks were the only quarantine offenders. Although at night, as you have already heard, young people are beginning to choose here, which not only do not wear protective masks, but also in groups, without meeting the other requirement: keep a safe distance, drink alcohol and have fun.

Rape is just the vertices

The logic of those who follow – if everyone adheres to quarantine, and I just – no, nothing terrible will happen, the forest of Panemunė is full. Despite the widespread history of the same criminal, who tried unsuccessfully to hide in the Nemunas from the persistent persecution of the policemen who patrolled this popular corner of nature in Kaunas, but will soon have to face trial.

The duel ended with an injury to the photographer’s arm and the forced deletion of the camera by the author’s violated injury.

This heather is still full of joggers without mandatory face protection, with whom steam becomes a steam locomotive. Not to mention also the quarantine of cyclists who maliciously rape, who, according to experts, as possible carriers of the coronavirus, when passing other people, can spread it within a radius of 20 meters.

Trying to ask those “eagles” why they behave this way is pointless. In one of those attempts, one of them still whistled demonstratively on the ground and the contents of his bare nose. And from the tirade of uncensored words heard from others, the most decent statement was none of his business.

During the half hour spent in this heat well, there were no longer any observers of the safe distance. For example, in a gazebo on a beach, a company of six people has been celebrating something since noon.

Her grandmother’s behavior also outraged her granddaughter.

Unfortunately, in Panemunė Šile, there are many older people who walk without face masks, and we must use them to protect them.

When asked by one of those women why she was behaving this way, the offender stated that she was tired of walking with a “snout.” And also, how much time do you have left to live here … “Grandma!”, When she heard it, she replied that a little girl who had been riding a bicycle with her for another six years, of which children must also wear masks protective. By the way, she was wearing the kind of mask her grandmother had probably put on her.

Other older adults, who similarly violate quarantine, tend to be cunning and otherwise, who said on television that it is possible not to wear a face mask in the woods. Although it is not really clear if those who say it have hearing problems or simply pretend, because in fact it has been reported that protective masks are not required only outside the residential area and if there are no other people than loved ones within a radius of 20 meters.

Hiding places with the police

As the quarantine has not been revoked in Lithuania so far, it has only been relaxed and all its offenders, regardless of their artistic abilities or hearing impairments, continue to face significant fines, from 500 to 1,500 euros. Or a € 250 fine if they get caught for the first time. However, this must be paid within fifteen days. And, if not, their behavior will be reevaluated in the context of the aforementioned fines, which are much higher than the quarantine violation provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses.

True, although it has been said that the police will patrol the parks and other public places opened again this weekend, during the hour and a half that he spent with a photographic lens near the Kaunas lagoon and the Panemunė forest, none of his uniformed officers might agree. Maybe that’s why some criminals were so arrogant.

Photo by Laimutis Brundza.
