Quarantine is not difficult for everyone: what to do if you do not want to go back to the old routine Life


During the second quarantine, fewer Lithuanians were concerned about the uncertainty, adapted more to the current situation and developed a new daily routine. And while some are eager to get out of the house as quickly as possible, others are already beginning to worry about getting back to their former normal ways as they get used to more free time, home comforts, and a slower lifestyle. .

Clinical psychologist Antanas Mockus says that coming out of quarantine can be as difficult for some as getting started. And most of the concerns can come from people struggling to change and not adjusting to it.

For what reasons may there be reluctance to return to work and participate in activities that were common before quarantine?

– People may have discovered some of the comforts of remote communication and activities. For example, ordering food at home means you don’t need to go to a cafe. Watching a movie online means you don’t have to queue at a theater. Some people did not even know what remote communication was like, which applications were more convenient for that. Most now have at least one or more devices used for business meetings or to communicate with loved ones. So one reason may be convenience.
