Quarantine introduced into Lithuania for three weeks: what you need to know


More expensive Protective masks must be worn in all public places by people over 6 years of age, except those who practice outdoor sports or professional athletes and judges in competitions, as well as people who cannot provide certain services with the mask. An exception also applies to the disabled if they are unable to wear the mask due to a medical condition.

Events and gatherings. All events are prohibited, with the exception of high quality sports competitions without spectators, and gatherings of more than five people (excluding families), with the exception of funerals for up to 10 people.

People or groups of people should keep a distance of 2 meters from each other. It is also recommended to refrain from personal celebrations, contact with other family members or meet no more than two families wearing masks, restrict movement and, if necessary, go alone to work, the store or medical facilities.

Recreation and leisure. The activities of health service centers that provide recreational services, as well as visits to cultural, recreational, entertainment and sports institutions are prohibited. Highly qualified athletes will be able to train, as well as individual workouts will be allowed.

Feed. The activities of restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, casinos and other entertainment venues are prohibited, except when the food service is provided to take away or in the facilities and premises of institutions, companies.

Business and services. 10 m2. It must be provided in stores and service points. meters per visitor, all security requirements are met, service providers must also provide an area of ​​10 square meters to the customer or serve only one person at a time.

Job. Public sector bodies must work remotely or partially remotely, except for necessary functions in the workplace. This is recommended for the private sector.

Education. Preschool and primary education will take place in the usual way, with some exceptions for grades 5-12, at a distance or in a mixed way.

Non-formal education is also organized at a distance, except for outdoor activities, indoor activities for groups of up to 5 children, each with 10 square meters. meters of local and individual education. The same goes for adult activities.

Public transport. Only seated seats can be occupied, it is necessary to maintain a distance of one meter between passengers.

Health care. Dental, maternity and newborn health care services, vaccinations and health certificates required for work will be provided by contact. Your GP will decide other family services.

Visits to patients and rooms. Patients cannot visit medical institutions, except extremely seriously ill patients with the permission of the director of the institution, as well as patients under the age of 14 and mothers. Visiting the rooms of social care institutions is prohibited, except for the seriously ill.

There are also temporary restrictions for short and long-term visits to prisons, visits to the Foreigners Registration Center: the residents of the center may leave the facilities for 2 hours a day.

Religious rites. It is recommended to carry out mass religious rites at a distance or restrict the flow of people by providing each of them 10 square meters. meters and 2 meters between the participants of the ceremony.

The quarantine took effect at midnight and will last until November 29 at 24:00. The Minister of Health, A.Veryga, does not rule out its continuation. This regime, designed to control the spread of COVID-19, is being introduced in Lithuania for the second time: the first quarantine came into effect in March-June.
