Quarantine forced famous hairstylist to sell cucumbers: “No shameful job” Business


J.Malakauskaitė is not only a well-known image stylist, but has worked with various Lithuanian music and theater artists and television projects for the past fifteen years. Two years ago, she founded her own business in Vilnius: the Selfstation beauty and events space. Here he offers hair coloring, haircuts, hair restoration procedures, makeup, and at the same time sells various cosmetics, handmade candles in his native Mažeikiai.

However, after the government announced the quarantine, J. Malakauskaitė immediately lost his job and income: beauty services activities and all events were banned. According to the businesswoman, she accepted this message calmly, although at first there was both fear and uncertainty.

“For the first week, I was shocked, but mainly because I’m an active person, I couldn’t figure out how to do anything and accept the information as it is,” she said.

J.Malakauskaitė 15 minutes He assured that he had initially optimized operating costs: abandoned parking lots next to work, turned off the heating.

“Clearly, he had to come every day, lots of flowers. And empty and cold, it hit my heart a lot, because there is no movement, everything seems dead, ”he said.

Photo by Antanas Minkevičius / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

Photo by Antanas Minkevičius / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

From stylist to cucumber vendor

However, an active, low-energy woman started selling cucumbers grown near Pagiriai, near Vilnius. The latter received it from his client, who is the owner of the greenhouses.

“Observing that only Barbora and Maxima work, I said that I also need food! I just triggered such a thought. Of course, I understand that neither exchanged food nor what. I went to the customer for flowers, and it’s difficult for her, do cucumbers grow and where to sell them? The idea of ​​selling cucumbers didn’t skyrocket the first day, but the second. I chewed the information and saw that I could offer it to my clients, ”said the interlocutor about the idea of ​​selling cucumbers.

Photo by Skaistė Malevskienė / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

Photo by Skaistė Malevskienė / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

In addition, 110 square meters M. The businesswoman, who rents the premises, admitted other businesses: an entrepreneur who could not sell flowers in the shopping center and a yoga studio located in the neighborhood.

“It just came to our attention then. The owner of Happy Flowers, who is my client. She has an island in the mall that didn’t work and the flowers are dying and I realize she has forks and my room may work. I called her and offered to live with me. I know she doesn’t have the money either, but I thought she was still moving. ” 15 minutes she said.

He served a large circle of clients.

J. Malakauskaitė did not allow the rest without working time to no avail. Over the years, the woman has formed a large circle of clients, to whom she has offered cucumbers and flower arrangements.

“Last year I transported tomatoes from the same greenhouses, but I served the clients with them. The gift I gave him was not shampoo but tomatoes. The clients knew me. And now even asking for mine instagram Cucumber. It wasn’t difficult for me to keep going because my job was to create an image. Cucumbers were not sold on the market as a grandmother, they were packed, a flower was added. What used to be customer focus has turned into revenue, ”he said.

Photo by Skaistė Malevskienė / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

Photo by Skaistė Malevskienė / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

Part of the production was carried out by the woman herself, other clients came to pick her up.

“I did not sit like in the store, because nobody knows this place. Only through its circle of customers,” said the interlocutor.

J.Malakauskaitė 15 minutes He admits that the huge profits from the cucumber and flower trade were not realized and “the money was ridiculous.” But she explained that she just wanted to do something, not sit still.

“Of course, it was just an extension of the activity, but when you get some bread, you feel calm enough. I am a single mother, I raise a daughter and I press my heart to see her frightened eyes. I spoke to her frankly, I had to explain that I go to the store once a week, not only for security but also for money. We discussed what we would eat so as not to overspend and throw away the food. But if a person is active, it will quickly occur to them what could be done ”, she is convinced.

Criticism of the government

J. Malakauskaitė also criticized the words of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, in which he stated that if “after the dilemma of one month’s survival, it may not be right with those companies.” According to the woman, such statements seem ridiculous.

Who does it apply to here? For large or small supermarkets? How much can you save if you work from salary to salary? “, I ask.

Photo of Skaistė Malevskienė / Cucumbers for sale by Jurgita Malakauskaitė

Photo of Skaistė Malevskienė / Cucumbers for sale by Jurgita Malakauskaitė

The businesswoman said she had declared downtime during quarantine when she couldn’t. He also called on building owners to cut rents. However, J. Malakauskaitė says don’t expect more various benefits.

“It just came to our attention then. They give the grandparents money, and the business … somehow survives. I don’t expect help from the state, I just try to keep working, focus. But now I can also rejoice, I just bring cucumbers and Look no more. They don’t interfere with each other, “he said.

Photo of Skaistvs Malevskienė / Jurgita Malakauskaitė Flowers

Photo of Skaistvs Malevskienė / Jurgita Malakauskaitė Flowers

Quarantine provided more opportunities

¿J. Malakauskaitė will continue to sell cucumbers or other vegetables? The caller says that they do not know yet, but does not rule out the possibility that they simply send their circle of customers directly to the supplier.

“I was a mediator and I presented beautifully, I made art,” she said.

According to the interlocutor, with the release of the quarantine and the permission to operate beauty services, the client will receive clients almost overnight.

Photo by Antanas Minkevičius / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

Photo by Antanas Minkevičius / Jurgita Malakauskaitė

Also, according to the stylist, this period, difficult as it is, brought more opportunities. J.Malakauskaitė said that in the past many events were not accepted and, if they were not present, they did not take much care of them. From now on, however, he intends to spend more time inviting himself to host various birthdays and dinners.

“There weren’t many events before, but they were enough for me.” It is good, it is not, it is also good. I made money at the time and never survived without having an event. When you have an income, don’t worry about it.

And now you just have to do more. The environment dictates that customers eat at home, so they need cucumbers, they want to decorate the balconies, they want to greet their friends. The environment dictates it, you just have to listen. Work up to your neck, you just have to work for it ”, he summarized.
