Quarantine FAQ: Can you fly? Is it possible to go to the farm?


Movement of people between municipalities from December 16 to January 3. is prohibited. except in the case of:

  • to the municipality of your place of residence;
  • to another municipality due to the death of close relatives;
  • perform work when the place of employment is in another municipality;
  • to or from airports, seaports, bus stations serving international passenger routes;
  • about health services;
  • for other objectively justified reasons of urgency, when it is unavoidable to go to a municipality other than the one of residence;
  • to another municipality where the person or their family / household members have a property.

– Can I take a walk in the park, a nature trail?

Yes, but there are important limitations. You can go for a walk alone, with your family / household members, or with someone you do not live with. “It is possible that two people who do not live together outdoors, for example, go for a walk. Of course, wearing masks and keeping distance, “Rasa Jakilaitienė, spokesperson for Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, told BNS on Monday.

Another restriction is to stay only in the municipality where you are registered or have real estate. For example, Vilnius residents should not go to the Šilėnai educational trail, which is already in the Vilnius district municipality.

– Will the police control everyone who travels from one municipality to another?

I do not know. The police promise to set up checkpoints on the roads, as happened on Easter weekend. All details are promised to be announced on Tuesday: Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla will present how the police will work and what the population needs to know.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė announced that the police will set up roadside checkpoints on weekends and holidays. “And on normal days, especially during the working week, those tools that the police really know how to use in public and in private will be used,” the prime minister said during a government meeting.

Here’s what this crash looked like in the spring:

– What tests will be needed to go to another municipality?

The detailed order has not yet been published. But use the principle of common sense. If you are going to the airport, you must have a flight ticket or reservation confirmation with you. If you are traveling for work, a work certificate, business travel certificate or other proof that you need to move across the country to do your job. When you return home, have real estate documents. When traveling for health care services: documents from a medical institution.

– Will there be intercity public transport?

Yes, although it will change. LTG Link Rūta Atroškaitė representative 15 minutes confirmed that the trains will circulate between Lithuanian cities during the strict quarantine, although there will be changes in the routes. What they are, promises to be published this week. Trains are likely to run less frequently and some trips to be suspended.

Similar changes should be made with intercity bus services; may become rarer, some temporarily suspended.

A representative from LTG Link emphasized that people should use public transportation between municipalities only for the necessary purposes, those appointed by the Government. However, it is not yet known how people will be able to ensure that people actually go for the exemptions provided in the insurance.

According to the director of the Lithuanian Passenger Transport Association, Gintaras Nakutis, so far carriers are not required to explain where passengers are going and check whether they have the right to travel. “If the police verified, the passenger would be disembarked and returned,” said the head of the association.

When movement restrictions were introduced at Easter, the police on public transport did not control.

Read more here: Train and bus travel will decrease, Old Ferry ferries will stop

– Will the flights be canceled?

No. The government has not made such decisions, flights can be organized as before. Whether operating flights or canceling them is a matter for the airlines themselves. It also depends on the prohibitions of other countries. For example, flights to / from Latvia were canceled due to these The government temporarily banned the transport of passengers to Lithuania.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Ryanair

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Ryanair

– Where can you fly from Lithuania now?

More addresses emerged in December. There are flights in the relevant directions for emigrants: to Norway, Ireland, the United Kingdom. There is also southern Europe: Spain, Italy. Complete list of addresses You will find it here.

– Can I go to the airport even if it is in a different municipality than the one I am registered for?

Yes. Such exception is provided for in the resolution.

– Is it forbidden to come to Lithuania?

No. Lithuanian citizens can always return to Lithuania. However, when returning, the established rules must be followed, both a stricter quarantine and pre-existing requirements for arrivals. Registration with NVSC is required. Depending on the country you are from, you may need to self-isolate or take the COVID-19 test. The list of countries is published every Friday, starting on Monday..

– Will it be forbidden to leave Lithuania?

No. The government does not intend to restrict travel abroad, but recommends refraining from doing so unless necessary.

But if Lithuania does not prohibit you from leaving, it does not mean that the other country accepts it. So much more than the incidence in Lithuania it is one of the largest in Europe. Before the trip, it is important to know the rules of that country for those who arrive, if tourists from Lithuania are accepted, if it will be necessary to observe the isolation or if the COVID-19 test will be required. The test is basically necessary when going to almost any country. Relevant information about the rules applied by other countries You will find it here.

– I have booked a hotel / house / apartment to rest. Can I go to them?

The government has lifted a strict ban on the provision of accommodation services. Although it was announced on Sunday that they could only be provided for isolation purposes, much lighter bans have emerged in the final version.

123rf.com nuotr./Sodyba

123rf.com nuotr./Sodyba

As of Wednesday, the rental, subletting or transfer of accommodation facilities for to organize private events, celebrations or other gatherings.

It is also important that no more than one family / household member is required to stay in a room.

Therefore, it is not prohibited for companies to provide accommodation to a person or a family / household. However, potential customers themselves are covered by other insurance: it is forbidden to leave their place of residence. This is only allowed in certain cases:

  • on the way to work (to work);
  • on the way to the point of sale;
  • when traveling to or from airports, seaports, bus stations serving international passenger routes;
  • go to the real estate object itself;
  • going to the funeral;
  • for health care and other essential services;
  • for other essential services or for objectively justified reasons, when absolutely necessary;
  • when walking in open spaces, no more than one family or one household member;
  • people who are sick or cannot care for themselves.

Therefore, it is forbidden to go to a hotel, apartment or home rented only for entertainment, because it is simply forbidden to leave the place of residence. If the accommodation you have booked is located in another municipality, it is even more impossible to do so.

– I’ll have to go to another city for work. Will I be able to rent accommodation there?

Yes. If you have an exception that allows you to leave your place of residence and your municipality, then there are no obstacles to renting. Only in the room you should live alone or only with your family / household members.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Police checkpoint on the Nemenčinė road

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Police checkpoint on the Nemenčinė road

– I return to Lithuania from another country for the holidays. I am no longer registered in Lithuania, I do not have real estate here. Will I be able to go from the airport or seaport to another municipality?

Yes. This will be reason enough to go to another municipality. That was confirmed by Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė on Monday. “A person can come to Lithuania, after coming to Lithuania they can also stay in an accommodation establishment. But the general principle is that there would be no such movement in Lithuania, ”said the Prime Minister at the press conference.

Read more about this: The strict quarantine in Lithuania has confused emigrants: can they still get there?

– I return to Lithuania from another country for the holidays. Can I rent a home?

Yes. As mentioned, the government has waived the strict ban on the provision of accommodation services.

– And who will follow me? After all, there will be no police at every entrance to the city.

We live in a non-authoritarian state, so it is not possible to regulate everything with prohibitions alone. For the moment, the awareness and concentration of the entire population is needed; We will only handle the terrifying situation with COVID-19 if we adhere to strict quarantine conditions.

“We don’t have enough police officers to control everyone while they follow the rules. However, we assume that people are aware enough, they see the number, they see very sad death statistics, they see new cases of infections, they hear what the experts are saying, ”Prime Minister I. Šimonytė said at a press conference on Monday.

We assume that people are conscious enough, they see the number, they see very sad death statistics, they see new cases of infections, they listen to what the experts say, said I. Šimonytė.

She compared the quarantine conditions to responsible behavior on the street when rules were followed and when no one was in control.

“Just like we don’t cross the street with a red light because it’s forbidden by traffic rules; somebody walks, of course, but most of us don’t walk, even if there isn’t a police officer nearby. I think that’s the case. how we should consider those restrictions, ”said I. Šimonytė.

VIDEO: I. Šimonytė on the strict quarantine conditions: blamed the old government for the difficult situation

VIDEO: Before shops close: a crowd of last minute shoppers

VIDEO: 15/15: New quarantine restrictions starting Wednesday, and since when has the number of patients been decreasing?
