Quarantine extended for one month, based on a universal movement ban


Prime Minister Ingrida imonyt. Photo by Darius Januis (LRVK).

The national quarantine lasted for a month until the end of April. For eleven days, a driving ban is lifted that covers all the country’s municipalities, with the exception of the stalls. The other conditions of the quarantine regime remain unchanged for the time being.

The text has been supplemented with comments from the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health.

The government met on Friday morning to address the situation on COVID-19.

The decision was made to extend the general quarantine until April 30 of last November and until next Wednesday, March 31. 24 hours

It was also decided to renew the restriction of circulation between the municipalities of the country as of next midnight. Exclusive movement between these large cities and the surrounding municipalities.

This restriction is valid until the third Easter on April 6.

To determine that from 2021. March 27 00:00 to 2021 April 6 24:00 On the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the movement of people between municipalities is restricted, except in cases where people living in adjacent municipalities of the city and district of Alytus, city and district of Kaunas, city and district of Klaipda, city and district of Panevis, city of iauli and district, city and district of Vilnius specified by the contiguous municipality, the decree reads.

This restriction does not apply to persons belonging to the same family or to a household who move to a municipality other than the municipality of their place of residence where they own real estate owned by a member of the family or household, added to it.

The Minister of Health, Arnas Dulkys, said during the Government meeting that the next period of greater movement of people between municipalities and the consequent increase in the risk of contact is imminent.

So far, no fold of the quarantine regime has been accepted. However, it cannot be ruled out that the Government will address the issue of the cream again next week, because the epidemiological situation, according to Prime Minister Ingrida imonyt, is not improving. Furthermore, the latest information on the prevalence of coronavirus mutations in Lithuania is concerning.

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We do not stop doing activities. Although the quarantine has been extended, it has been extended under current conditions. We see that many companies scrupulously adhere to that requirement. But the risks may increase in the future and this may force us to consider other decisions, the head of government said.

I think we do not want a curfew, we do not want to open and close activities, we do not want a roller coaster ride due to the epidemiological situation, that is why I urge citizens to act responsibly, he added.

It is very likely that we will be able to stabilize the situation and prevent this wave from happening, then after Easter we will be able to discuss other things, but for now we must focus on testing and vaccination and protection against hospital burnout. and resuscitation. Prime Minister.

According to I.imonyts, the objective of the restrictions is to maintain a better situation in the municipalities where it currently exists, and to locate the South African virus strain and vaccinate as many companies at risk as possible, especially the most disadvantaged. municipalities.

I think we all really know that we could not buy the time that we were going to buy, to be able to vaccinate at least the risk age group, and it probably took us a few weeks, said the head of government. .

According to her, on Monday the board of experts will consider what other safety requirements should be taken during the mandatory period, especially considering that mons may be more active in stores.

It is not ruled out that it is considered to wear a mandatory mask two, according to the Prime Minister, at least in those municipalities where the situation is more difficult, because, as I.imonyt admits, we can now see a violation. of the mask, as the preparation from 2 m away.

In addition, according to her, a decision on how to limit access to open stores could be requested after consulting with experts and commercial representatives.

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However, according to I.imonyts, the opening of the walls is not considered at least for the moment, because it is considered that the obligation of the current measures to have a negative test and to isolate themselves for at least a week after arrival. It’s enough.

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