Quarantine ends in Lithuania on Thursday: all you need to know about the remaining restrictions


Remains fixed conditions for crossing the state border: Still need to provide immunization documentation against COVID-19 or COVID-19 testing.

Services can be provided in public outlets, leisure and entertainment venues, catering establishments, restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs and other entertainment venues, but it is necessary to ensure all the security requirements specified by the Operations Manager.

Cultural, entertainment, sports or other events it must be organized and carried out in accordance with the conditions for the management of human flows, the safety distance and the use of other measures necessary for the protection of public health, hygiene and personal protection.

Mandatory electronic ticket distribution and / or registration of spectators and / or participants and controlled access of spectators and / or participants to the venue. Likewise, in the case of events organized indoors, spectators and / or participants observe the event only from their seats (except in cases where animal exhibitions are organized), can be filled up to 75%. all seating positions.

In events organized indoors and outdoors, where spectators and / or participants watch the event not only from the seats, spectators and / or participants. the number is not limited, but only people with an Opportunity Passport can participate. This means that people meet one of the following criteria:

  • one week after the second dose of Comirnaty or COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna;
  • 2 weeks after dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen;
  • 4 weeks but not more than 13 weeks after the first dose of Vaxzevria;
  • after the second dose of the Vaxzevria vaccine;
  • 2 weeks after the administration of a single dose of Comirnaty, COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna, COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen, or Vaxzevria to a person who has relapsed COVID-19 and has been diagnosed with a positive SARS PCR test result -CoV-2;
  • or if the subject has a history of COVID-19 disease and the diagnosis has been confirmed by a PCR test or a positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen test and no more than 210 days have elapsed since the positive test result ( but not before the end). of the isolation period).

Remains requirements for the use of protective masks and recommendations under the conditions established by the State Level Emergency Operations Manual. Masks remain mandatory in public transport, retail outlets, and public sector institutions.

Preschool, preschool, primary, basic, secondary education, vocational training and higher education, non-formal education of adults and children and educational assistance are provided in accordance with the State Level Emergency Operations Manual, the conditions for provide people with the necessary personal protective equipment.

A maximum of 30 children per group can participate in indoor activities at the same time and in children’s camps, unless only children and staff are present at the children’s camp.

Delphi recalls that, despite the improvement in the epidemiological situation in the country, it has been decided to live in an emergency situation for fear of the threat of a delta variety.

Following the decision to end the quarantine, both Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė and Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys hinted that if morbidity rates in the country begin to deteriorate, the quarantine regime can be restored, perhaps only in the local regime .

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