Quarantine conditions are relaxed: masks in open places are no longer mandatory – MadeinVilnius.lt


The government eased quarantine conditions on Wednesday: Starting Thursday, it will be possible to stop wearing masks outside, starting Monday restaurants will be able to resume indoor visitor service, and students will begin returning to schools in a week. and a half.

Masks in open spaces are expected to remain a recommendation, but are not mandatory, except for hangouts: markets, public transport stops, events, excursions. The masks will continue to be used in indoor public areas, except when eating and drinking in public places, as well as during sports.

There has also been a two to five increase in the number of people who can visit parks or other open public places, keeping a distance and avoiding direct physical contact. Close relatives may still be in larger groups.

These changes are effective immediately with the resolution of the Government, i. and. Thursday.

Commenting on government decisions, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis urged the population to continue wearing masks, as this would reduce the risk of the coronavirus spreading.

“One of the most successful results of managing our pandemic is that we have been disciplined enough and that (wearing masks) has become a recommendation, a proposal to follow that recommendation would reduce the risk,” Skvernel said at a news conference.

Some of the amendments approved by the Government relate to the movement between Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Estonia; Until now only citizens of these countries can move freely between countries, and the resolution is complemented by people who legally reside in these countries. Foreign journalists can also come to Lithuania with the permission of the Foreign Minister, and amendments to the movement will take effect on Friday.

The resolution further liberalized the procedure for flight permits: this will no longer require the permission of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Communications, the consent of the Lithuanian Transport Security Administration will suffice.

Meal service in the house is also allowed from Monday. Now you can only work in outdoor cafes, bars, restaurants, it is also possible to prepare takeaways.

Catering, restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs and other entertainment venues are open from 8 a.m. at 10 p.m. Opening hours are not applicable for outdoor service and food delivery. The operation of casinos and slot machine rooms is also permitted during these hours.

The government had previously allowed sports clubs to resume their activities starting next Monday, allowing training with a coach for ten people, individual training, and for Wednesday’s decision of 10 to 5 square meters. meters reduced the area per visitor. Similarly, the area per visitor is reduced for outdoor views.

A government resolution allowed schools to resume work. Elementary schoolchildren will be able to return to school beginning May 25, as well as counseling for high school graduates and upper secondary students beginning in June. Educational institutions will also decide for themselves, according to the founder and the community, which form of education to use: distance, regular with established requirements or mixed. The resumption of non-formal education is also allowed.

The Prime Minister also promises more funds for the summer camps, which can also resume operations.

“We have a permit to resume various activities for children in the summer, because children really lack communication, education, hobbies. Opportunities have arisen, and some of the planned events will not take place this year, to direct those funds to the expansion of these activities, which will increase the chances of organizing summer camps once and a half, “said S. Skvernelis.

He said the government was “looking for ways to subsidize or reimburse parents for their children’s leisure expenses,” but said he could not say whether the camp subsidy could apply to all children or only to the poorest families, and to what extent.

Starting May 30, professional sports competitions are also allowed to resume, only without spectators.

Starting May 30, events will be allowed in open and closed spaces, with a maximum of 30 spectators and a set distance between them. By governmental decree, analogous requirements will apply to private celebrations: from that date, they will be allowed in open and closed public spaces with a maximum of 30 participants. “

Starting May 30, the resumption of activities of health service centers that provide recreational services is also allowed.

The prime minister said the specific services that would be allowed to renew would be determined by the health minister, but so far “there is no talk at this stage about the resumption of the operation of mass amusement parks such as water parks.”

Universal quarantine was introduced in Lithuania on March 16 and lasted until May 31.

Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga is of the opinion that the quarantine regime is likely to continue and remain “for a long time” after May 31 and in the country.

Author Milena Andrukaitytė

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