Quarantine begins: Sodra reminds us of the most important things about benefits


How to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work in case of illness? Will sickness benefit be paid if a person has to isolate himself or if he is caring for a beginner who is distance learning at home?

Sodra remembers key information about sick leave certificates and sick benefits.

After the declaration of emergency and quarantine, certificates of incapacity for work may in all cases be issued and renewed remotely. There is no need to worry if, due to the abundance of calls or other objective reasons, the medical institution cannot issue a certificate of incapacity for work on the day of the application. It can be issued retroactively for a maximum of 5 business days from the date of contact with the GP.

In the first days of November, 6.5 thousand certificates of incapacity for work were issued for causes related to COVID-19. For comparison, 18 thousand such certificates were issued in October, in September – 7 thousand. Currently, more than 2,000 people have certificates of disability due to illness or self-isolation, and the same number have people for childcare or nursing.

Who can receive sickness benefit?

A certificate of incapacity for work issued by a doctor does not mean that sickness benefit is granted automatically. To receive the benefit, you must be insured (employed or self-employed at the time) and have completed at least 3 months of health insurance in the last 12 months or at least 6 months in the last 24 months.

The amount of sickness benefit is calculated individually on the basis of the person’s insured income during the three consecutive months prior to the month in which the certificate of incapacity for work was issued. For example, if the certificate of incapacity for work is issued in November, the insured income received in July, August and September is taken into account.

Upon receiving the sickness benefit, a person continues to accumulate seniority and is considered insured, so 15% is also deducted from the benefit. GPM is 6 percent. PSD contribution.

Will I receive sickness benefit if I am self-employed?

Self-employed residents (excluding activities with a business license) are also eligible for sickness benefit. It is important to know that the benefit is calculated only when the resident has declared income and paid social security contributions.

For example, if a self-employed person becomes ill this month, asks a doctor for a certificate of incapacity for work and submits an application for sickness benefit to Sodra, they may not be entitled to the benefit if they have not completed a period of illness or you have paid contributions and are therefore not covered by health insurance. The minimum sickness benefit can be granted if the resident pays contributions only once a year during the previous calendar year.

When a resident declares income in 2020 and pays social security contributions for them, Sodra will award or recalculate and pay sickness benefit.

If a self-employed person pays social security contributions in advance each month, sickness benefit can be paid immediately after becoming ill and receiving a certificate of incapacity for work.
Another important condition is that you will only receive the benefit if you have paid social security contributions of at least 3 times the monthly minimum wage (MMA) in the last 12 months before the first day of temporary incapacity for work, or from at least 6 amounts of MMA income.

What can I do to receive sickness benefit?

To receive sickness benefit, you must submit an indefinite request for sickness benefit to Sodra. The request can be sent through the personal account sodra.lt/gyventojai, logging in with an electronic signature, email. banking or via e. government gates.

After selecting the Applications / I have become ill or I am caring for a family member section, you must continue to select “Application for sickness benefit (including care) (indefinite) GPS1” and complete it. After completing the application, click “submit”.

The indefinite application submitted is valid for all future cases of illness. It can be given at any time, without even waiting for you to get sick or need to care for a sick family member.
It is also possible to check in the personal account whether the decision to grant sickness benefit has been made. If you specify your email address, all information will also be sent by email.


I take care of a sick child at home

Various restrictions are imposed during quarantine and emergency situations, but at present the activities of kindergartens, preschools and primary schools are not suspended unless there is a risk of spreading the virus. If the educational institution is open, but the parents have independently decided not to send the child to kindergarten or school, no certificates of incapacity for work are issued, and sickness benefits are not paid.

Education can be suspended when a regime is announced that restricts the spread of infections throughout the municipality or in a particular educational institution. Municipalities announce this regime on the recommendation of the National Public Health Center (NVSC).

By switching to distance learning due to quarantine or the introduction of an infection control regime, working parents, caregivers, on-call guardians and grandparents may be entitled to sickness benefits for the care of children under 4 years of age and children under 21 years of age. In such cases, the sickness benefit is paid from the first day of incapacity for work and amounts to 65.94%. wages “on paper”.

The certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the period of childcare as long as the regime that limits the spread of infections continues. The certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the first time up to 28 calendar days, later it can be extended to 14 calendar days.

I have to isolate myself

A certificate of incapacity for work for compulsory isolation can be issued when a person cannot work remotely due to the nature of their work and has not been declared downtime.

The certificate of incapacity for work is issued on the basis of a certificate issued by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) indicating the period of mandatory isolation.

A family doctor can issue a certificate of incapacity to work for a period of mandatory isolation without an NVSC certificate to a person who has had contact with a sick family member if he or she is registered with the same doctor as the same care institution medical. In this case, the certificate of incapacity for work will be issued for 14 calendar days from the last day of contact with a sick family member who lives together.

The amount of the sickness benefit is 62.06 percent. of wages “on paper”.

I am caring for a child who has been assigned mandatory isolation

If the NVSC assigns mandatory isolation to a child under the age of 4 or a person under the age of 21 with a general or special education program, then a working parent, guardian, or grandparent may receive sickness benefit for childcare. children during the mandatory isolation period.
An NVSC certificate is not required if the incapacity to work is issued for the care of a child who has had contact with his or her family, but only if the family member with whom the child has had contact lives in common and is treated by the same family doctor.

The sickness benefit is 65.94 percent. before taxes on wages and salaries.

I have COVID-19 or I am caring for a family member who has COVID-19

In the event of illness or care of a sick child (family member), the usual procedure applies for the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work and the payment of sickness benefit. You must request a certificate of inability to work from a doctor remotely.

If the worker is ill, the incapacity for work is issued and, if necessary, extended for a period until the person can return to work. The amount of the sickness benefit is 62.06 percent. of wages “on paper”.

When caring for a child under the age of 14 with COVID-19, an inability to work for up to 14 calendar days may be issued to working parents, guardians, guardians on duty, grandparents. The sickness benefit is 65.94 percent. of salary “on paper”.

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