Quarantine bans clarified – that’s what’s changing


The quarantine in Lithuania was extended until January 31. 24 hours

“It turns out that there are procedural inaccuracies that have necessitated a partial repetition of the procedure. There was no provision of the Ministry of Health that is required by law. The decisions have not changed much compared to those presented yesterday,” I. Šimonytė told the journalists after the meeting.

Movement of people

The restriction on the movement of people was clarified at the government meeting.

From 2020 December 16 00 hrs. until 2021 January 3, 24 hours The movement of people between municipalities is prohibited. The exceptions include cases of displacement to the municipality of residence, displacement to a municipality other than that of residence due to the death of close relatives or work when the place of employment is in another municipality.

Likewise, when traveling to / from an airport or for health care reasons, as well as for other objectively justified reasons of urgency, when the trip to a municipality other than the one in which you reside is unavoidable.

This restriction does not apply to people who move to a municipality other than the municipality of residence where they own real estate that they own and that of their relatives.

It has been clarified that no more than two people from the same family could meet outside.

Beauty and other services

The provisions on beauty and other services have also been clarified. From December 16. The provision of beauty services, as well as other services, whose provision requires more than 15 minutes of contact between the service provider and the recipient of the service is prohibited.

This prohibition does not apply to medical rehabilitation services, counseling and psychotherapy services, legal services provided by attorneys, financial services, and the provision of qualified certification services by qualified trust service providers, which do not can be delivered remotely.

Workshop work

Restrictions for stores have also been clarified. Authorized points of sale must ensure that 15 points of sale do not have 10 square meters per visitor. m of commercial space or it would be attended by one visitor at a time.

The issue of selling non-food items in stores that can work was also discussed during the meeting. The question has been raised as to whether trade in non-food products should be banned.

“Taking additional repressive measures and wrapping shampoos or other measures in red supermarket strips in supermarkets would be even more energy that is not directed there,” criticized the idea the Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė.

There has also been a debate on how to determine which goods are necessary for the population and which are not.

Long distance education

The Cabinet of Ministers also clarified that primary education is carried out remotely, and this provision will be reviewed at the end of the year, when the epidemiological situation in the country is clarified.

At that time, preschool and preschool educational institutions will operate in the usual way.

The portal tv3.lt recalls that on Sunday the Cabinet of Ministers headed by Ingrida Šimonytė tightened and extended the quarantine.

Shoppers flooded the stores

Movement restrictions

The government has determined that the move will be allowed for at least a month and a half only when necessary.

From December 16. until January 31. It is allowed to leave the place of residence only to go to work or work, when shopping, to the property itself, funerals, health institutions, to care for people who are sick or unable to care for themselves.

Prohibition of movement within the country

Also during the festive period, starting on December 16. until January 3. 24 hours – In Lithuania, the departure of people outside the territory of the municipality of their place of residence is restricted.

Exceptions are foreseen in case of death of relatives, to work when they work in another municipality, for the necessary medical assistance.

An exception is also provided for people who move to another municipality because they have their own property there.

Permission to walk with family members is maintained.

Communication restriction

The Cabinet prohibited communication between individual families. From now on, communication is only possible between members of a family or a household.

Exceptions are foreseen in emergency cases in which assistance or attention is required for the sick or disabled.

Public and private parties are also prohibited, unless more than one family or household is participating.

Stores are closing

It was decided to close non-food stores, shopping and entertainment centers, markets and other public outlets.

Exceptions are provided for businesses whose main activity is the sale of food, veterinary, pharmaceutical, optical and technical orthopedic devices.

The food will also be available in markets and other public outlets. The restriction does not apply to online commerce and when the goods are delivered to natural and legal persons or collected at collection points.

Stores whose activities are not prohibited must provide at least 15 m2 M. m of retail space per visitor or ensure that no more than one person is served at a time.

Other conditions set by the Statewide Emergency Operations Manual must also be met.


Beauty services and other contact services are prohibited.

The tightening of the quarantine prohibits the provision of beauty services (such as haircuts, shaving, massages, etc.) and other services that inevitably involve contact between the supplier and the recipient (such as tattoos, piercings).

Exceptions are provided for counseling services that cannot be provided remotely. Other exceptions also remain when health services can be provided through contact (such as therapeutic massages).

In places where services are not prohibited, 10 square meters M. m of area per visitor or no more than one person is attended at a time and other conditions established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level are ensured.

Premises for the provision of rental, sublet or loan accommodation services may only be used for the isolation of persons.

Education: distance only

Education at all levels (preschool, pre-school, primary and secondary) is carried out at a distance. The exceptions are for children whose parents or guardians do not have the opportunity to work remotely.

In special schools and classes of primary, basic or secondary education, education is carried out in person.

The old restrictions remain

It is important to note that the quarantine restrictions approved in November also remain in effect.

All events organized in open and closed spaces are prohibited, except for high-level sports competitions without spectators and funerals, when no more than 10 people participate, except for family members and people who render ritual services.

The activities of mass catering services are prohibited, except the provision of take away food.

The activities of sports clubs, swimming pools, places of recreation and entertainment are prohibited.

Protective masks should be worn in public places.

They are not necessary for children under 6 years of age, they provide services to people when they exercise, when it is not possible to provide a mask service, when it is not possible to wear a mask due to a medical condition, outside of residential areas, when there are no other people than relatives within a radius of 20 m, for kindergarten and primary children under 6 years of age.

Visits to patients in health institutions are prohibited, except for terminally ill patients, children under 14 years of age and mothers with the permission of the head of the institution or another person authorized by him.
